7th Looking at these serious dangers threatening the human family, and conscious of our responsibilities of the Supreme Pastor, we must express our concern and fear that these disputes lead to bloody civil war. Therefore
Overlords rare magic all nations, not to oppose the kind of peace upragnionemu human. Let them do what they can to preserve peace at risk. Let them not cease to eagerly support the talks and agreements between people in any state or dignity, which must be, if only to stop the use of dangerous weapons and the terrible danger of coming away worldly, spiritual and moral values. Using legal means, let them try to identify any sincere desire for peace, let them uphold and put into action. Let entrust fairly good will so that the right thing to sound right prevailed over motives skłaniającymi to riot and ruin.
8th With regret, we see that in this miserable position very often do not pay attention to the sacred and inviolable character of human life, and introduces ways of proceeding quite contrary to the sense of moral character and habits of a civilized nation. Therefore, we should raise voice in defense of human dignity and Christian civilization to stop covert and insidious war, violence and terror, recovery of hostages and reprisals against defenseless people. These offenses are such that hinder the progress of the sense of justice and humanity, increasingly leading to despair, the minds of the combatants, and, finally, can I lock the last road, standing open to good will, or are able to hamper the negotiations, which - if they are honest - can lead to a peace agreement.
9th As you know, Venerable Brethren, that our concern does not cause any personal interest, but only desire the care of the victims of these disasters and a desire for true well-being of all peoples. Atolls, as we hope, aware of the responsibility they bear towards God and man steward of nations, will be of such importance that they take noble effort to remove as much as possible the real and psychological obstacles that hinder genuine consent.
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