Saturday, May 14, 2011

Brown Blood Day Before Period

Paul VI "mens Maio" The reasons for the call to prayer


4th The first major cause is experiencing recite prayers during the Second Vatican Council of the Universal
. This puts a huge exit from the Church a very weighty issue of how properly to adapt to the needs of new times. Since the successful outcome of this project depends on future railways Bride of Christ, or the fate of many souls, and this for a long period of time. Currently, the will of God has struck a serious hour, not only for the life of the Church, but for the history of the world.

5th The work of this Council for the most part ended, but the next and last session waiting for you, Venerable Brethren, a very responsible job. Then there shall be a period of not less serious than the time of the Council, namely the introduction of its resolutions into action. Then the combined forces of the clergy and laity will be needed to ensure that the culture of the Council issued an abundant harvest. That we have obtained the light mind and the gifts of heaven as necessary to complete the great work, we trust our hope in that which at the end of the previous session with joy, we announced the Mother Church. She is the beginning of the Council with maternal solicitude help us, so we will not stop now come to the aid until the end of the work started.

6th The second reason that incentive is the current location of many nations, for the moment, very dark and uncertain, as you well know, Venerable Brethren. Again, the danger of the supreme good of peace. During these times deceit is approaching, as we see disputes between nations, inhabiting different parts of the world. This is happening despite a very terrible experience of two previous wars that skrwawiƂy first half of this century. We see that people are in great danger, grab their weapons and refuse to negotiate in order to remove differences of opinion which divide minds. This leads to untold suffering to the entire population of some nations. Cause them to riot, and the insidious hidden war, a real fight that with every passing day increase and become more jammed. They can kindle the spark of a new and terrible war.


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