"The story of Darwin," Irving Stone
Superb, unusual, extremely interesting, it's hard to find one, an appropriate adjective to a newly published book in Poland, Irving Stone, "The story of Darwin." Publication of delights because after reading the first page and is fascinated by the 712th consecutive Stone once again proved that she can write great and considerable biographical texts.
story about the life and work of Charles Robert Darwin begins when a young, twenty-two, the future naturalist receives undeniably useful suggestion. Why not embark on a remarkable journey around the world on board HMS Beagle as a geologist. The young Darwin did not hesitate for long, because the approval of the father and uncle decided on this extraordinary journey that will take nearly five years. The fruit of this unique exotic trip will include delivered more than twenty years later, one of the most famous revolutionary texts in the history of mankind "The Origin of Species" . Back to the stable and wytęsknionej England Stone closes the first part of biography of Darwin. The second part of the story is devoted to the marriage of a naturalist, Darwin's friendship with the great figures of contemporary scientific world, and eventually tedious work on opus Vitae , or work is devoted to the theory of natural selection.
book an American writer is a fully comprehensive biography of an extraordinary character and personality. Darwin, raised in a puritanical and conservative environment impresses an open attitude and unconventional thinking. Admiration and respect of his remarkable erudition. Stone presented not only as a scholar revered explorers, but also did not fail to show a more human side of "the great Darwin." Numerous anecdotes, funny situations, reveal the author of "On the Origin of Species" as a man "of flesh and blood, which had problems with spelling, his own sense of values, with great enthusiasm collecting taxidermy and science which she played a ride on a giant tortoise from the Galapagos and which with great thoroughness jotting down the pros and cons of marriage before deciding whether to marry. After reading those 713 pages, until I want to say "Charles, old friend, we know so well."
One of the most important and most interesting moments in the book are certainly devoted to Darwin's theory of evolution and the response to this environment how cutting-edge publications. "On the Origin of Species (1859) is, after all the work that has revolutionized human thinking about myself, about the place of God in the act of creation. Darwin's God, which he wrote:
"I suggest that God created at the beginning of certain rights. Then he withdrew, letting his right to work itself " [1]
storm that raged after the publication of the work can only be compared with the uproar after the announcement of the Copernican theory. Church, hence the whole civilized world had to re-revise their doctrines regarding the human place in the universe.
novel Web text is unusual not only because it concerns the biography of an interesting character. It is fascinating also because the writer did to create a work reflecting the full life, everyday life of Victorian England (and the language, style!). It is therefore difficult to find on the pages ksiązkich biography in the strict sense of the word. Because the text is primarily an American (as was indicated in the Polish translation) tells the life and work of Darwin, the man who through their dedication, perseverance and integrity has changed the perception and understanding of the surrounding reality.
Web The book "A Tale of Darwin" is one of those items you need to know. Windfall for historians, biologists and bookworms of all kinds. I highly recommend it.
In addition to the reviews let you put an interesting passage quoted at the beginning of the novel on the reading tastes of Charles Darwin ( autobiography, 1876):
"The novel, which are works of imagination, it is true that no top-flight for years gave me a wonderful respite. I often bless all novelists. Surprising number of these works read aloud to me, and I like all, even the average good if you do not end unhappily, as indeed it should be regulated. According to my taste may not be a first, if there is no person in it, you can fully love, and if the additive is a pretty woman, so much the better [2] . "
Fascinated particularly recommend the form of Darwin's two remarkable films of Charles Darwin. First, a documentary by David Attenborough David "Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life" :
Worth mentioning is also the second, Feature film "The Creation" ("Darwin. Love and Evolution") :
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