Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Well Saying For Grandma

Color: red. Odour: reds

"War is not the nothing of the woman," Svetlana Aleksijewicz

Reviews of this book should not be. Reading publications Aleksijewicz hard not to resist the impression that the interpretation "War ..." a superstructure, which blurs the original meaning Certificates, the text itself. With this release, you can clearly feel that the text of the Belarusian review is nothing but a clumsy attempt to translate what was in the book. Should I say let the heroines - żołnierkom (how absurd is the word in the form of a female!) As in most parts of the text made it hers. That would be enough. It was enough, more than enough to try to understand the essence and meaning of suffering. (No) sense of the war!

War should describe the physiology, then there would be no repetition of history. Cut off limbs, frostbite, blackened cheeks, hair falls out, teeth, nails ... War had not been, I believe.

"I know one thing: the war, a man becomes a terrible and incomprehensible. How do you understand? You're a writer. Let the lady herself think of something. Something beautiful. Without lice and mud, without the smell of vomit ... no vodka and blood ... That was not so terrible as life ... " [1]

War women, men, war

Publication Aleksijewicz a multi-record interviews with the contestants fighting. Women, soldiering in the Army, which fought on the fronts of World War II, fearing for his life, reputation, contacts with family, for many years remained silent on the about that period of life. Seen after the war as a "non-woman", which according to popular opinion were mostly prostitutes, war, chose the "quiet heroism." The fear of ostracism, but also against its own painful memories were stronger than the desire to share their own wartime history. However, after many years, rehabilitated by the Russian authorities, feeling safe in a cocoon of old age, decided to speak. Women talk about the war, a war that has nothing to that described by men. The unprecedented participation of women in war meant that the war has gained a new dimension. More "felt" more "emotional."

"When women say no or hardly any of what we usually read and listen: how some people heroically killed the others and all won. Or lost. What have the equipment, which the generals. Women talk differently, and what else. "Female" war has its own colors, scents, lighting and space their own feelings. Own words. (...) "Feminine" war is terrible than "male". Men hide behind history, behind the facts, the war attracted them as action and conflict and ideas, interests, and the women go from feeling. "

participation of women at the front, made people aware of quite a different dimension and meaning of war . Young, happy girls who are themselves, by submitting a volunteer willing to help their own country when he was only sixteen, seventeen years at the front became staruszkami. There lose not only their youth, innocence, but also the possibility of later, normal operation. Not only refused obedience to reason, but the body. Many women after these traumatic events could not get pregnant later. The omnipresence of death, suffering, and prevented them from having children. Killing themselves, looking at the death of others could not exist normally. It was beyond their reach. Indeed, why give birth, after which give life if so easily pick them up.

"And at the heart always is that so hard to die and so I do not want to die. And even harder to kill, and that even more do not want to, because a woman gives life. It brings them a gift. Long wears them all the donasza. "

To describe the war was not enough, as usual in such cases, language. And it's not just the transfer of certain emotions, suffering, but also the terms, naming a specific date set aside for men only. Precedent for women's participation in the fighting, forced the language of the attempt to define the various military specialties in the form of a female, and so "Tanker-czołgistka" but the "sniper"?

Ideology and love, love and ideology

The relationship of women interviewed Aleksijewicz, considering the boundless trust in the authority of Stalin. Ideology, belief in the infallibility of the Commander was undeniable advantage, which allowed, inter alia, the victory of the Soviet Union. Unbelievable dedication, often contrary to common sense (fighting relatives residing in the gulags, the consciousness of the Great Famine in Ukraine, ordered 227 Stalin, "a step backwards") shocks.

"I came to Warsaw ... I still walk, it is said that the infantry is the proletariat of the war. Pełzałyśmy on his stomach ... Please do not ask me anymore. I do not like books about war. About Heroes ... We went sick, coughing, sleepy, dirty, badly dressed. Often hungry ... But we won! "

defeating the enemy, the defense was the most beloved homeland. Women zaciągały the army and often adding a year, fleeing from the house. The fight was paramount. Nothing else mattered. It was the most important charity for which it seemed that everything can be lifted.

After the war

"About this war than we know ... Maybe because it was cruel than usual. We were afraid to look there ... I keep putting off ... it was sufficient for us myths. "

Aleksijewicz Svetlana gained material for a book by driving all over Russia and former USSR countries . has organized countless conversations . Much of the story, that made up the book "War is not the nothing of the woman" shows quite a different, unknown dimension to the fighting. And it is not only mentioned "look feminine, but also about the struggle odbrązowanie, precise and crisp appearance of suffering. It turns out that the memory of the victory, sending the memory of its consequences. Therefore, the book, but ready as early as 1984, had przeleżeć publishing for two years.

Feature Belarusian text that is a pure definition of war trauma. Many of her emotions - pain, evil, grief ... But this precise, moving prose, it is also an important link in understanding the truth about the events of World War II. This book should know! You need to know to understand what evil is war.

Color: Red, odor: red

"After the war, several years could not escape the smell of blood, haunted me for a long time . Barely begin to wash underwear - I feel the smell, I'll cook dinner - again, I feel. Someone gave me a red blouse, and then it was such a rarity, lack of material, but I wore it because it was red. This color I could no longer endure. "

Postscript for review

on May 13, 2011 Svetlana Aleksijewicz for the book "War is not the nothing of the woman" received second prize them. Ryszard Kapuscinski. The award was also translate text Jerzy Czech Republic.

[1] All quotations from the book, "War is not the nothing of the woman" Aleksijewicz S., ed. Jerzy Czech Republic, Publisher Black Wołowiec 2010.


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