Monday, May 30, 2011

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May 31 - Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces

In the ordinary form of the Roman Rite of May 31 is the feast of the Visitation. However, in the calendar for the extraordinary form of the same rite (the liturgy before the liturgical reform of 1970) falls on May 31 Feast of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces (BMV Omnium gratiarum Mediatricis). This liturgy - as the Holy Father. Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum - is still valid and had never been abolished. Therefore - as the Roman Rite Catholics - without barriers, we can celebrate Christmas according to the old calendar, and use this great treasure of the Church, which is the classical Roman rite.

In the new liturgy there is a feast, but it is celebrated only in the provinces of the Franciscan (OFM) with the rank of any memories of May 24 and has no specific texts for on this very day.

truth about Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, was a center of spiritual life and apostolic activity of St.. Maximilian Kolbe - the founder of the Immaculate Rycestwa . He wrote this:
Immaculate is the Mediatrix of graces. It is full of grace, and this excess we receive. The activities of Militia of the Immaculata and "Knight" is based precisely on this the truth is that the Immaculate Mediatrix of all graces, because if it was not in vain that it was our job and our treatments. With the help of Mary Immaculate we can do anything.

Therefore, I would like to embed feast liturgical texts (Latin-Polish), according to the Extraordinary Form of May 31 - Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces, taking into account the ongoing of the Easter season. Let this day be special for all the worshipers of the Blessed Mother, through which we are given every grace.

Thanks EWTN Catholic television and portal Sancta Missa can be viewed HERE Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama in the U.S., which was celebrated on 31 May 2010, the Feast of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces. Then consisted of the Holy Sacrifice of Father Miguel Mary MFVA.

Die 31 Maii

Virginis Mariae Beatae
Mediatricis Omnium Gratiarum

Hebr 4, 16.  

Adeámus cum fidúcia ad thronum grátiæ, ut misericórdiam consequámur et grátiam inveniámus in auxílio opportúno. Allelúja, allelúja. Ps. 120, 1. Levávi óculos meos in montes: unde véniet auxílium mihi. ℣. Glória Patri et Filo et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen ℣. Adeámus cum fiducia ad thronum grátiæ, ut misericordia et gratia consequámur inveniámus in auxílio opportuno. Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we have experienced mercy and find grace to help in time. Alleluia, alleluia. Psalm 120, 1 I raised my eyes to the mountains: from where comes my help. ℣. Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning teraz i zawsze i na wieki wieków. Amen. Przybliżmy się z ufnością do tronu łaski, abyśmy doznali miłosierdzia i znaleźli łaskę pomocy w stosownej chwili. Alleluja, alleluja.

Dómine Jesu Christe, noster apud Patrem mediátor, qui beatíssimam Vírginem, Matrem tuam, matrem quoque nostram et apud te mediatrícem constitúere dignátus es: concéde propítius; ut, quisquis ad te benefícia petitúrus accésserit, cuncta se per eam impetrásse lætétur: Qui vivis et regnas cum eodem Deo Patre Sancti Spiritus in unitate, Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, our Mediator with the Father, who art the Blessed Virgin Mother deigned to set up your mother and also our Mediatrix with you: give mercy to anyone who joined up to you asking for good, they rejoiced by her receipt. Who live and reign with that God the Father in the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Iz 55, 1-3. 5.

Léctio Isaíæ Prophétæ.

Omnes sitiéntes, veníte ad aquas: et qui non habétis argéntum, properáte, émite et comédite: veníte, émite absque argénto et absque ulla commutatióne vinum et lac. Quare appénditis argéntum non in pánibus, et labórem vestrum non in saturitáte? Audíte audiéntes me, et comédite bonum, et delectábitur in crassitúdine ánima vestra. Inclináte aurem vestram, et veníte ad me: audit et anima vestra vivet. Ecce, Gent, quam nesciébas, vocábis: et gentes, Quae non cognovérunt these, the current ad propter Dominum, Deum Tuum, et sanctum Israel, quia glorificávit these.

O, all thirsty, come to the water, come, even though you have no money! Buy from and eat, on to, buy without money and without price wine and milk! Why spend money on what is not bread? And your work - what will not satisfy? Hear me, and ye shall eat delicacies and soul Your taste of fatty foods. Incline your ear and come to me, listen to me, and your soul shall live. Here summon a nation you do not know, and those who do not know you shall run to you because of the LORD your God, for the sake of the Holy One of Israel, for he has glorified you.

(during the Easter Gradual omitted and denied, the following words)

Allelúja, allelúja. . Is. 60, 4. Leva in circúitu oculos tuos, et vide: omnes isti congregáti sunt, venérunt tibi. Allelúja. . Fílii tui de longe vénient, et fíliæ tuæ de látere surgent. Allelúja.

Alleluja, alleluja. . Iz 60, 4. Podnieś oczy wokoło i popatrz: Ci wszyscy zebrani zdążają do ciebie. Alleluja. . Twoi synowie przychodzą z daleka,  na rękach niesione twe córki. Alleluja.

J 19, 25-27

In illo témpore: Stabant juxta Crucem Jesu Mater ejus, et soror Matris ejus, María Cléophæ, et María Magdaléne. Cum vidísset ergo Jesus Matrem, et discípulum stantem, quem diligébat, dicit Matri suæ: Mulier, ecce fílius tuus. Deinde dicit discípulo: Ecce Mater tua. Et ex illa hora accépit discipulus eam in sua.

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved, he said to his mother: "Woman, behold your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold your Mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.

 por. Jr 18, 20

Recordáre, Virgo Mater, in conspéctu Dei, ut loquáris pro nobis bona, et ut avértat indignatiónem suam a nobis.

Pamiętaj, Dziewico Matko, w obliczu Boga, abyś mówiła za nas dobre rzeczy, aby On odwrócił od nas swoje zagniewanie. 


Matris tuæ ac mediatrícis nostræ précibus, Dómine, quǽsumus: hæc hostiárum oblátio nosmetípsos, tua grátia largiénte, tibi perfíciat munus ætérnum: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Za przyczyną modlitw twojej Matki i naszej pośredniczki, Panie, prosimy: niech ta Ofiara hostii uczyni nas samych, dzięki Twojej łasce, wiecznym darem dla Ciebie. Który żyjesz i królujesz z Bogiem Ojcem w jedności Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

(the Blessed Virgin Mary)

. Dominus vobiscum.
. Et cum Spiritu tuo.
. Sursum corda.
. Habémus ad Dóminum.
. Grátias agámus Dómino, Deo nostro.
. Dignum et justum est.
Vere dignum et justum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubique grátias ágere:
Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus: Et te in Festivitate beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis collaudáre, benedícere et prædicáre. Quæ et Unigénitum tuum Sancti Spíritus obumbratióne concépit: et, virginitátis glória permanénte, lumen ætérnum mundo effúdit, Iesum Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Per quem maiestátem tuam laudant Angeli, adórant Dominatiónes, tremunt Potestátes. Coeli coelorúmque Virtútes ac beáta Séraphim sócia exsultatióne concélebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti iubeas, deprecámur, súpplici confessióne dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus... 

Lord be with you.
And with your spirit
up your hearts
lift them to the Lord.
thanks to the Lord our God
It is right and fair

surely a worthy and just, right and salutary that we always and everywhere to give you thanks, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and eternal God, you and us glorified, blessed and celebrated the feast celebrating Mary, ever Virgin. She is the Holy Spirit began only begotten Son, and preserving the glory of virginity has released to the world the eternal Light, Jesus Christ our Lord. Through him the glory of praise the angels of love Reign, fear of Powers, and the Blue Thrones and solemnly proclaim the blessed Seraphim shared joy. Please make sure that our voices were united with them, humble cry, saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy ...

por. Est 15, 17

Valde mirábilis es, o María, et fácies tua plena est gratiárum. Allelúja.

Bardzo godna podziwu jesteś, o Maryjo, a oblicze Twoje pełne jest łask. Aleluja.


Subvéniat nobis, Dómine, beátæ Maríæ, Matris tuæ ac nostræ mediatrícis, orátio: ut per hæc sacrosáncta commércia, tua grátia largiénte, ad redemptiónis ætérnæ proficiámus augméntum: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Niech przyjdzie nam z pomocą, Panie, modlitwa błogosławionej Maryi, twojej Matki a naszej pośredniczki, abyśmy przez tę najświętszą wymianę darów, za Twoją łaską, uzyskali wieczne odkupienie. Który żyjesz i królujesz z Bogiem Ojcem w jedności Ducha Świętego, Bóg przez forever and ever. Amen.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus Tecum!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

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Paul VI, "Maio Mens': A call for bishops & The prayers of the Rosary


13th We ask you, venerable Brothers, to adequately gave to the faithful entrusted to your care is our wishes and encouragement. Also, try to, in the current month of May declared a special public prayers for the intentions of the above designated, in particular dioceses and parishes that are to take place especially in the feast of Our Lady the Queen.


14th You see, we have hoped that the special children in their prayers and suffering, because their voices penetrate and soften the Sky God's justice. suitable, we also have the opportunity to not neglect the practice of the rosary, but to him strongly encouraged. This method of prayer is a very nice Virgin Mother of God and as often as recommended by the Popes. Rosary gives the faithful the best opportunity to sweetly and effectively see the truth of the commandments of the Divine Master: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you" (Matthew 7, 7).

15th Excited about these feelings and making their blissful hope that everyone will answer promptly and willingly to our invitation, we give you the Venerable Brethren, and all the flocks entrusted to your care the Apostolic Blessing.

Given at Rome, at St.. Peter, on April 29, 1965 the second raw Our Pontificate.

Paulus PP. VI

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How Do You Put A Penis In Vagna

children and Cardinal Stefan. Wyszynski - 30

1981 to 1928 V - 2011

Servant of God Cardinal Stefan. Wyszynski - Primate of the Millennium

"Everything I put on Mary"

Length Of Outbreak Of Condyloma

Ladies and gentlemen will be windy! "81:1. Tales from the Faroe Islands" Marcin Michalski, Maciej Wasielewski

, "81:1. Tales from the Faroe Islands" Marcin Michalski, Maciej Wasielewski

Wind. Breeze. Breeze. Gust. Zephyr. Breeze. Bryza. Gust. In Polish, there are few words to describe this phenomenon very comfortable atmosphere. And well. This fact means that we are fortunate that we live in the region little windy. In terms of the Faroe Islands is about 350 The second place of honor is the rain. Synonymous words, the precipitation is estimated to 250th The authors of the book Marcin Michalski and Matt Wasielewski, therefore, invite us to the land of remarkable, not only because of the weather (bad weather may be more accurate), to a place of pristine, undefiled commercial tourism, where among the 50 000 islands is wygrywa popularity rankings site meteorological station. The place definitely worth knowing! Thus, the cloaks and the course, dear readers because we're going to "Sheep".

Feature "81:1. Tales from the Faroe Islands' is primarily a story about the place. Spot unusual border situated between Great Britain, Iceland and Norway. Residents Islands - Farerowie people steadfast and courageous, but also hospitable. Residents in the magical land. Hardworking and conservative polyglots. Defining themselves:

"-Be Farerem (...) is to be brave at sea, well kumatym on land and eat the meat of grindwala. Three or four times a year. "

visiting" Islands Sheep "should be prepared for everything. Views breathtaking, the roofs on which the grass grows, countless sheep, food from whale fat, but also penetrating to the bone ... the loneliness and melancholy.

"In Fámjin even a tourist to what to do: It can feed a wandering dog biscuits, to wave to and playing with their children on the bridge, smell the dilapidated barn doors fishing, photographed in an hour with a hook scattered around the wide valley of buildings, gather the buckets some stones from the beach, and above all go to church to see the most precious canvas in the country - the original national flag of 1919. "

But the average traveler, accustomed to the presence of another man, hustle and bustle of big cities, the European lifestyle, may have problems of acclimatization in the custom of the country, because he will not find there:

(...), curd, trolley buses, reindeer, geothermal swimming pools (as in the adjacent Iceland), ice hockey, shrines, Children's Day, semaphores, milk bars, mandarin orchards, brothels, factories, cars, geraniums, latrines, shamans, mosques, synagogues, workshops pleating skirts, saw mills, coconut-chemical plants, tabs Kubota (...).

You can find it trace amounts :

"(...), antique shops, flash mobs, candles on the graves, tatuatorzy, butts on the street, rappers, nicknames, bonfires, slamy poetic deck chairs. "

'Faroe Islands' place for the elect. Place for persistent.

Feature Wasilewski, and Michalski is a fragmented picture of the native land of Tolkien's books. Full of humor and calculations book is an excellent compendium of knowledge about this remarkable land overseas.

worth your attention.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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death anniversary of Pope Paul VI, "Maio Mens ': Double the work of God & The importance of the intercession of Mary

rooms share GOD

10th But peace Not only is our human work, but also and even especially the gift of God. Peace comes from the sky and then to actually prevail among the people when we're worthy to receive this gift from the Almighty God. In his hands is the fate and happiness of the peoples and the human heart. We obtain the supreme good of peace, earnestly and carefully begging not to God. Church from its inception, it usually did. Offered up these prayers for the intercession
Mary Queen of peace.


Salus Populi Romani
11th Let the Marian month, Venerable Brethren, with greater zeal and confidence rise up supplications to the Mother of God, to ask Her grace and gifts . If a serious violation of people offend God's justice and deserve a fair punishment, not less must not forget that he is "the Father of Mercy and the God of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1, 3). God instituted the Blessed Virgin generous dispenser their gifts.

12th Mary experienced the pain this mortal life , toil daily work, nuisance concerns, which brings with it poverty, and above all lifted the suffering of Calvary. May she graciously hear pious voices that rise up from all sides of the land to her, begging her to a room. May she enlighten the minds of Overlords. Let finally obtain for God, that He who commands the winds and storms, calmed the turmoil of conflicting minds, and "give peace the days of ours. "May God give true peace based on justice and love as a powerful and strong foundation. At first justice is the foundation of peace, because the law must be considered weak and strong. The peace comes from love, which guards against erroneous fraud selfishness . Love makes defending the rights of one man does not turn into oblivion, and violation of the law, which has the second man.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Who Is More Religous Catholics Or Christians

Clarification Act of consecration to the Immaculate Conception:" Refuge of sinners "

Some time ago I began a series of posts in which St. Maximilian explained teskt are structured by them act of consecration to the Immaculate . So far, I posted about the words teskty "O Immaculate Virgin" and "Queen of Heaven and Earth" . Today, continued - Founder MI apostrophe explains, "Refuge of sinners."

"Refuge of sinners"

Lord God is merciful, infinitely merciful, and even the well and fair, and it is infinitely just, so that even smallest sin can not bear for him and full compensation must be required. Infinite dispenser of the Holy Blood of Jesus, which cleanses the sins is God's mercy personified in the person of Mary Immaculate. Hence rightly called her Escape sinners, all sinners, even though their sins were, even as the heaviest and widest. Even if it seemed to them that for them there is no mercy. Yes, every oczyszcznienie soul is for her confirmation of her new title of the Immaculate Conception, and the soul is more steeped in sins, including more proves her power niepokalaności that gives a soul snowy purity.
St. Maximilian M. Kolbe

Sunday, May 22, 2011

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KK, or Classic Crime. KK, a cat and Culture

"Deadly manuscript" Rex Stout

Like Chandler. I like Rex Stout. These two classics of crime literature makes calmly I can keep track of their shares novels, in fact, and so I am sure that no murderer has escaped justice. Someone will say "boredom" - consent. But whether in the classics is not the point to decode a word, text, in this particular case also solution puzzles? I buy it. For me this a few moments of pure entertainment. Someone could also add a perceptive - "if so why not a classic Christie?" and that's because in a world created by these men there is no place for ladies and gentlemen. Too much whiskey, too many cigars. Give the old man Poirot and Miss Marple calmly drink a cup of tea.

"Deadly manuscript is another volume of adventures detective Nero Wolfe. As in all detective novels of this type has certain characteristics. In the case of Nero Wolf is a monstrous obesity and paranoid reluctance to leave their own home. Outside the world it creates anxiety, fear fills and above all do not care. Of course, beyond the facts about crime. Weirdo - which is the same as he loves food, good alcohol, hybrid, with equal passion, he hates women. Its opposite is Archie Goodwin. young handsome, active, assistant to Wolf, who has a weakness for beautiful girls and tuning of the jokes from the employer. Niebagatelnemu this duo again ( "Deadly ..." is part of the adventures of my master in 1919) was faced with a very mysterious murder. Leonard Dykes - employee law firm, dies under mysterious circumstances. The body of a man who had no enemies, big money is found on the riverbank. Six weeks later, in a road accident death of a young bear editor. Two puzzling crimes, which combines a manuscript, the false name of the author. Machina moves, the action picks up pace. All this in a remarkable, charismatic New York of the fifties of last century, in an atmosphere of noir. As much as I want to say "This is a buddy you know about the real crimes" or "Show me your gun and I'll tell you who you are" . I invite you to play!


My life abounded recently in a number of cultural events:

First - meeting with authors Jack Dehnel. Which resulted in, among others autographed:

Second - meeting with the translator book Mariella Mehr "Accused" Leszczyńska Catherine. Proof below:

samąo not only recommend the book, but also the article "DF" " Mariella Mehr. One, two, three, today you die" talking about the dramatic fate of the Swiss writer, who will understand the full context of the novel

Third - extremely important article - an interview Tochman - Fr. Boniecki the role of the church during massacres in Rwanda. (Tygodnik Powszechny, No. 21 (3228)) "The country is crying, and they do not exist" .

Cat. Kotka . United absent from many posts. Returns that justice may be done and the wine have been redeemed (owner of Antoinette, who was trembling all the time here is that the cat he did not go to the balcony - "because something might be wrong with it - shut it there by chance on the whole half an hour).

Gratka for readers with a capital "C" . Revealed to me by iwonka produced by Moleskine "Book Journal" . viewed with my own eyes, recommended, necessary for the purchase.

adulthood! HA!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Paul VI," Maio Mens': A call to the MI would govern


7th Looking at these serious dangers threatening the human family, and conscious of our responsibilities of the Supreme Pastor, we must express our concern and fear that these disputes lead to bloody civil war. Therefore
Overlords rare magic all nations, not to oppose the kind of peace upragnionemu human. Let them do what they can to preserve peace at risk. Let them not cease to eagerly support the talks and agreements between people in any state or dignity, which must be, if only to stop the use of dangerous weapons and the terrible danger of coming away worldly, spiritual and moral values. Using legal means, let them try to identify any sincere desire for peace, let them uphold and put into action. Let entrust fairly good will so that the right thing to sound right prevailed over motives skłaniającymi to riot and ruin.

8th With regret, we see that in this miserable position very often do not pay attention to the sacred and inviolable character of human life, and introduces ways of proceeding quite contrary to the sense of moral character and habits of a civilized nation. Therefore, we should raise voice in defense of human dignity and Christian civilization to stop covert and insidious war, violence and terror, recovery of hostages and reprisals against defenseless people. These offenses are such that hinder the progress of the sense of justice and humanity, increasingly leading to despair, the minds of the combatants, and, finally, can I lock the last road, standing open to good will, or are able to hamper the negotiations, which - if they are honest - can lead to a peace agreement.

9th As you know, Venerable Brethren, that our concern does not cause any personal interest, but only desire the care of the victims of these disasters and a desire for true well-being of all peoples. Atolls, as we hope, aware of the responsibility they bear towards God and man steward of nations, will be of such importance that they take noble effort to remove as much as possible the real and psychological obstacles that hinder genuine consent.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How To Make A Covered Wagon

: Difficulties MI (part I)

Another post from the "Knights of the Immaculata." Today St. Maxine teaches about the difficulties they may encounter a knight of the Immaculate. Bow for a moment on the words of the Martyr of Love.

Labor nature, qualities (peace). But come the difficulties and adversity to overcome. Anything for good in this world to happen, the bigger and better was the major difficulties experienced. Quite a look history. So we have to expect something like that. And do not say that "a priori" only, as I watched with my own eyes and heard in Rome as the MI Chile's cleaned up in flames.

Whence, however, have come to this adversity? All sides must be prepared for them. I'm not talking about no longer toil, we feel at any job, or even about the war, which will give us the same, eternal salvation, which we will fight, sometimes the best intentions and bad intentions (and sometimes deliberately) the translating, casting slurs najkłamliwsze according to their password preached by Voltaire (as I recall): "kłamcie there, lie, something will come of this for you", but this persecution, what can happen to us than people rational, prudent and even pious and holy (and maybe even entered the ranks of the MI) and it's the best of intentions. Indeed it is painful (if not only trust in God through the Immaculate) to see that someone on the greater glory of God intersects us with as much zeal all the way, breaks down and tries to destroy what is built, and perhaps even approaching the same for the Militia, pulled and then passing to other questions, sowing distrust and indifference.

not enough for that, and we are fickle, that is what we accept with enthusiasm today, tomorrow seems to be an everyday, which pulls its charm today, tomorrow, deters the amount and severity of casualties.

On what, in these cases the foundation to resist? It must be something permanent, unchanging, so that it can be an unshakable foundation, there is something divine, and it is the only holy Immaculate blind obedience, which is manifested by the superiors of his will. So based on that, is not afraid of any storm. Let's all good and evil created word and deed against him, let the body sluggish lazy to work, let the reason is obscure, will be shaken and discouraged, and let him and everything around him is a conspiracy against him, let him hell rages, the world top turn down, and it all boils - despises all this, and do not trust yourself implicitly to God through the Immaculate sure it works in her all-powerful hands. This is truly and only is the bedrock of granite, have a swim in all the idols expanded.

Immaculate Hi!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Well Saying For Grandma

Color: red. Odour: reds

"War is not the nothing of the woman," Svetlana Aleksijewicz

Reviews of this book should not be. Reading publications Aleksijewicz hard not to resist the impression that the interpretation "War ..." a superstructure, which blurs the original meaning Certificates, the text itself. With this release, you can clearly feel that the text of the Belarusian review is nothing but a clumsy attempt to translate what was in the book. Should I say let the heroines - żołnierkom (how absurd is the word in the form of a female!) As in most parts of the text made it hers. That would be enough. It was enough, more than enough to try to understand the essence and meaning of suffering. (No) sense of the war!

War should describe the physiology, then there would be no repetition of history. Cut off limbs, frostbite, blackened cheeks, hair falls out, teeth, nails ... War had not been, I believe.

"I know one thing: the war, a man becomes a terrible and incomprehensible. How do you understand? You're a writer. Let the lady herself think of something. Something beautiful. Without lice and mud, without the smell of vomit ... no vodka and blood ... That was not so terrible as life ... " [1]

War women, men, war

Publication Aleksijewicz a multi-record interviews with the contestants fighting. Women, soldiering in the Army, which fought on the fronts of World War II, fearing for his life, reputation, contacts with family, for many years remained silent on the about that period of life. Seen after the war as a "non-woman", which according to popular opinion were mostly prostitutes, war, chose the "quiet heroism." The fear of ostracism, but also against its own painful memories were stronger than the desire to share their own wartime history. However, after many years, rehabilitated by the Russian authorities, feeling safe in a cocoon of old age, decided to speak. Women talk about the war, a war that has nothing to that described by men. The unprecedented participation of women in war meant that the war has gained a new dimension. More "felt" more "emotional."

"When women say no or hardly any of what we usually read and listen: how some people heroically killed the others and all won. Or lost. What have the equipment, which the generals. Women talk differently, and what else. "Female" war has its own colors, scents, lighting and space their own feelings. Own words. (...) "Feminine" war is terrible than "male". Men hide behind history, behind the facts, the war attracted them as action and conflict and ideas, interests, and the women go from feeling. "

participation of women at the front, made people aware of quite a different dimension and meaning of war . Young, happy girls who are themselves, by submitting a volunteer willing to help their own country when he was only sixteen, seventeen years at the front became staruszkami. There lose not only their youth, innocence, but also the possibility of later, normal operation. Not only refused obedience to reason, but the body. Many women after these traumatic events could not get pregnant later. The omnipresence of death, suffering, and prevented them from having children. Killing themselves, looking at the death of others could not exist normally. It was beyond their reach. Indeed, why give birth, after which give life if so easily pick them up.

"And at the heart always is that so hard to die and so I do not want to die. And even harder to kill, and that even more do not want to, because a woman gives life. It brings them a gift. Long wears them all the donasza. "

To describe the war was not enough, as usual in such cases, language. And it's not just the transfer of certain emotions, suffering, but also the terms, naming a specific date set aside for men only. Precedent for women's participation in the fighting, forced the language of the attempt to define the various military specialties in the form of a female, and so "Tanker-czołgistka" but the "sniper"?

Ideology and love, love and ideology

The relationship of women interviewed Aleksijewicz, considering the boundless trust in the authority of Stalin. Ideology, belief in the infallibility of the Commander was undeniable advantage, which allowed, inter alia, the victory of the Soviet Union. Unbelievable dedication, often contrary to common sense (fighting relatives residing in the gulags, the consciousness of the Great Famine in Ukraine, ordered 227 Stalin, "a step backwards") shocks.

"I came to Warsaw ... I still walk, it is said that the infantry is the proletariat of the war. Pełzałyśmy on his stomach ... Please do not ask me anymore. I do not like books about war. About Heroes ... We went sick, coughing, sleepy, dirty, badly dressed. Often hungry ... But we won! "

defeating the enemy, the defense was the most beloved homeland. Women zaciągały the army and often adding a year, fleeing from the house. The fight was paramount. Nothing else mattered. It was the most important charity for which it seemed that everything can be lifted.

After the war

"About this war than we know ... Maybe because it was cruel than usual. We were afraid to look there ... I keep putting off ... it was sufficient for us myths. "

Aleksijewicz Svetlana gained material for a book by driving all over Russia and former USSR countries . has organized countless conversations . Much of the story, that made up the book "War is not the nothing of the woman" shows quite a different, unknown dimension to the fighting. And it is not only mentioned "look feminine, but also about the struggle odbrązowanie, precise and crisp appearance of suffering. It turns out that the memory of the victory, sending the memory of its consequences. Therefore, the book, but ready as early as 1984, had przeleżeć publishing for two years.

Feature Belarusian text that is a pure definition of war trauma. Many of her emotions - pain, evil, grief ... But this precise, moving prose, it is also an important link in understanding the truth about the events of World War II. This book should know! You need to know to understand what evil is war.

Color: Red, odor: red

"After the war, several years could not escape the smell of blood, haunted me for a long time . Barely begin to wash underwear - I feel the smell, I'll cook dinner - again, I feel. Someone gave me a red blouse, and then it was such a rarity, lack of material, but I wore it because it was red. This color I could no longer endure. "

Postscript for review

on May 13, 2011 Svetlana Aleksijewicz for the book "War is not the nothing of the woman" received second prize them. Ryszard Kapuscinski. The award was also translate text Jerzy Czech Republic.

[1] All quotations from the book, "War is not the nothing of the woman" Aleksijewicz S., ed. Jerzy Czech Republic, Publisher Black Wołowiec 2010.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Much Primer Do I Need For A 14ft Boat

szczególniejszego What can we do for the Immaculate in her month ...

... explains St. Maximilian.

again dawned upon the month of May, the month the Queen, Lady and Matuchny our dearest. She looks at the whole world, for each of the people, knows the ins and outs of hearts and thoughts and desires each of us. He looks in my heart that perceive any symptom of love, everyone but the slightest movement of zeal, to be able to shower favors for it and take it to each other after death.

Is this month for her we could not do anything else? And what was that?

first While the duties of the permit, do not leave May service never . Not only myself, but relatives and friends to pull them, especially those who shun the church.
second Spreading the more eagerly MI would to her month in the number of her knights grew thickly.
third Her medal distribute wherever possible , and children that he always wore around his neck, and the elderly, and youth especially that under her care had enough strength to resist so many temptations and pitfalls lurking on it today. And now what the church does not look it, the confession are afraid to come to mock religious practices of faith are laughing, mired in mud moral or reside outside the church - oh, this is no longer necessarily Medal of the Immaculate offer and request that wished to wear it, and meanwhile hot Immaculate beg for their conversion. Many, even if the council is, when someone does not want in any way accept the medal. Ot just wszywają him secretly to the clothes and pray, and the Immaculate turns out, what it can do.

Immaculate Hi!

Brown Blood Day Before Period

Paul VI "mens Maio" The reasons for the call to prayer


4th The first major cause is experiencing recite prayers during the Second Vatican Council of the Universal
. This puts a huge exit from the Church a very weighty issue of how properly to adapt to the needs of new times. Since the successful outcome of this project depends on future railways Bride of Christ, or the fate of many souls, and this for a long period of time. Currently, the will of God has struck a serious hour, not only for the life of the Church, but for the history of the world.

5th The work of this Council for the most part ended, but the next and last session waiting for you, Venerable Brethren, a very responsible job. Then there shall be a period of not less serious than the time of the Council, namely the introduction of its resolutions into action. Then the combined forces of the clergy and laity will be needed to ensure that the culture of the Council issued an abundant harvest. That we have obtained the light mind and the gifts of heaven as necessary to complete the great work, we trust our hope in that which at the end of the previous session with joy, we announced the Mother Church. She is the beginning of the Council with maternal solicitude help us, so we will not stop now come to the aid until the end of the work started.

6th The second reason that incentive is the current location of many nations, for the moment, very dark and uncertain, as you well know, Venerable Brethren. Again, the danger of the supreme good of peace. During these times deceit is approaching, as we see disputes between nations, inhabiting different parts of the world. This is happening despite a very terrible experience of two previous wars that skrwawiły first half of this century. We see that people are in great danger, grab their weapons and refuse to negotiate in order to remove differences of opinion which divide minds. This leads to untold suffering to the entire population of some nations. Cause them to riot, and the insidious hidden war, a real fight that with every passing day increase and become more jammed. They can kindle the spark of a new and terrible war.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ringworm In Bloodstream

Fatima: Introduction

Today May 13, feast of Our Lady of Fatima, the first anniversary of the Marian apparitions in the Portuguese village. Therefore, I want to start a new series of blog posts on the messages of Fatima, Immaculate. Today the introduction.

Rue du Bac, and the gift of the Miraculous Medal, Lourdes, and the gift of healing source, La Salette, Fatima - Marian apparitions arranged in a string of miraculous intervention of God in our times. Today, when the last, Fatima, divides us more than 90 years, you might want to think about their meaning and consequences. Do you call the Mother of God have been answered, made her commands, and requests fulfilled?

Each of the Marian apparitions is the intention of God's stage in the history of salvation, a sign not only for the duration of the apparitions, but on the whole future, a reminder of the Gospel, an indication of the way, a call to change this what's wrong, offering, grace, promise and - warning. Therefore, this should be read, not as something that has been and gone, but what goes on, which is always alive and current. To truly understand the message, you need to know the historical context, see they are still timely message, addressed to the whole world, but primarily to himself, here and now. Mother of God, calling for repentance, prayer, especially the rosary, to give himself to her Immaculate Heart, also spoke to me personally.

revelation at Fatima have been recognized by the Church to be particularly rich to send it to us humans. Pope John Paul II in his homily at Fatima in 1982, so it is justified:
If the Church has accepted the message of Fatima, it was mainly because it contains a message of truth and the call of the Gospel: "Repent and believe the gospel "(Mk 1, 15). These are the first words that Christ came to mankind. The message of Fatima is in essence a call to conversion and penance, as the Gospel. The cry is heard at the beginning of the twentieth century and hence was addressed specifically to the present century. "Age XXI has only just begun, but the cry of Fatima has lost none of its relevance, the world still needs to conversion and penance.
call to repentance is a call to her mother, while a strong and unequivocal. The love that "rejoices with the truth" (cf. 1 Cor 13:6), he can be demanding and overwhelming. "Let us remember that maternal request.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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My joyful reading, a few words about the "domestics" K. Stockett

"maids" Kathryn Stockett

My joyful reading ...

From 12 posts not written any negative reviews, that since the historic entry of Nesbo . And so far nothing indicates a pogrom, or moderate optimism. Though it worries me that last walk up to any text with the same enthusiasm as if I was reading the same Nobel Prize winners pisujących anti-Proust czytadła . And perhaps this is the result of my perfect and infallible literary taste (of course!), Possibly worth a damn or simply lost, in recent times, instinct, and I'm wrong ( then save me! ). And although today it would not be so joyful and delightful as the recent reviews mounted, but it will be fine. Well.

Czytadło excellent with a touch of deep reflection

"maids" this book, which deserve to be called "czytadło excellent with a touch of deep reflection ." The text, which reads in a flash of lunatic obstinacy wades into the last pages of the book wondering along the way, even distrustful, that racism (abutteth about slavery) was possible on such a scale back in the sixties of last century. And that's where! In the United States of America. Unbelievable. But one by one ...

Feature situation

Text Stockett is a book about three women. Two black, the title for Aibileen and daughter of Minna and white cotton grower Skeeter. The former are trying to fight with everyday problems, not podpaść you, live from the distribution below the national average. The second girl on the issue, not very handsome, which generally does not agree with the assumptions of racial segregation. The turning point, an event that will combine the heroine "a matter of toilets" . Toilets, which the initiative Sketter best friend, to be a separate room for "colored." After yet another humiliating incident patience runs out and heroines revenge proves to be a piece of delicious peach pie . Begin for "fall" and the secrets of white, stubbornly madman would write down Skeeter. The rate of shares to squeeze in an armchair, bed or whatever either.

liked the ...

"maids" this unusual manifestation of the American South. Far from idyllic, known for "Gone with the Wind " . Stockett in a frank and brutal manner presents the prevailing relationship holds up a "colored servants" and "white state". Behavior (more accurately - an anti-conservation), which in the sixties no small rights have taken place. Writer also managed to create a colorful and dynamic figures. As even explosive and outspoken Minna. The American book is also worth attention, at least in the Polish translation (and here the translator Margaret applause Hesko - Kłodziński), the language layer of the novel. Dialects, a form of expression heroines bring us closer to a world of hot sun and the south. And at the end of the last big plus is a novel by the author to create a sense of instability reality. There comes a time of change. In the background somewhere hear the sound of Bob Dylan's ballad and rock sound of The Rolling Stones .

I did not like ...

Always read the contemporary American novel, I feel that they are written by a specific feature schema. As if all their authors have passed the course "Contemporary prose - how to write a bestseller" . I had similar feelings when I read "Water for Elephants" . This kind of literary outline makes the book a bit of the ocean include For me a note of falsity.


"maids" can read. Especially as it has time during the summer, as a potential reader will be closer to the American South and skwaru with the purity of the heart see the movie based on the novel, which has just premiered in August. Therefore, it can, but how is the choice Faulkner, it is better Faulkner.

I let play Bob Dylan (the team)!

And then another trailer of "The Help"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do Creatine Pills Go Bad?

blood from the blood. Jacek Dehnel "Saturn"

Jacek Dehnel Saturn. Black Images in the life of men with a family Goya

Dehnel reading prose has always surprised me two things. Firstly, how is it possible that juicy, overbuilt, baroque prose of the author may impress me! Me, lover of the dynamic and simple communication. Secondly, please someone explain to me how is it possible that the writer, despite the young age, is able to create such a brilliant and mature lyrics! I bow at the waist!

"Saturn" , Author's latest book, "Lala" is primarily a text about toxic relationship between father and son. Francisco Goya and Javier Goya. The first one, a distinguished painter at the height of popularity and fame. The strong and relentless. Drunkard and a womanizer. The second, scared and silent. Inveterate reader, deserves to be called according to his father's thinking, a failure and drone. Poor, whatever, no painter. These two completely different people, but must live together under one roof. It is not easy. The differences are too large, too painful. This leads to continuous clashes in which Javier has no chance. Trying to survive. Way to survive, it appears passivity. Son agrees to without a murmur to an arranged marriage, the result will be a third Goya - Mariano. Railways, an important link of the novel. Javier's own offspring but also can not reach an agreement. Mariano is in fact a true copy of his grandfather. Liberation is to bring death, therefore, Francisco, but it is very misleading. To finally clear up the influence his father, Javier starts to paint, the second time in his life. The result is a series of so-called. black images. There is no confusion, by author "Saturn" and the latest research Images do not work Francisco! How much sorrow and evil is on the canvas!

polyphonic Dehnel book has been woven from the speeches Francisco Javier and Mariano. First-person narrative interweaves a description of the above-mentioned series black images.

"Saturn" is a peculiar study of intergenerational misunderstanding. Is a publication of disappointment, conflict, hatred and passion. But also about love, the worst variety, which can destroy and kill.


On Thursday 12 May at 19:00 in Books Bookarest (New York) meeting
of Jack Dehnel .
And I'll be there:)

Pokemon Emerald Rom Source For Ipod For Cydia


multi uam de Te scripserunt, of Immaculata, at omnes se nihil These dignum scribere valuisse, humiliter professi sunt. Quos haec tantum consolabatur persuasio, Te Ipsam verbis suis animas allocuturam atque humiles et castos uberius ac ipsi scribendo, haec capere potuerant, instructuram. Dignare etiam me laudare Te, Virgo Sacratissima, etsi nec me esse dignum qui de Te scribam, nec intellectum humanum qui gloriam Tuam comprehendat idoneum esse scio. Tu es Refugium peccatorum, Auxilium christianorum, apostolorum, martyrum, confessorum, omnium sanctorum ipsorumque angelorum - Regina, Mater Christi, Mater Salvatoris, Mater Redemptoris, vera Dei Mater. 

Hic iam deficit humanus intellectus ineptus, qui Dei infinitatem et consequenter Matris Dei capiat dignitatem. Deus caritas est. Plenitudine huius vitae Pater Filium generat, Spiritus vero a Patre filioque procedit. 

Cum autem Deus diligeret quoque finitas Sui ipsius possibiles imagines, elegit quasdam earum donavitque eis realem existentiam. Quae creaturae vi veluti reactionis seipsas perficiunt sicque ad Deum, a quo procedunt, tendunt. Quin etiam libero arbitrio praediti homines similiter ad Deum tendunt, sed quibus obnoxii imperfectionibus, quam discordantes cum Voluntate Divina, cum Deitate? Praeviditque Deus a saeculis Creaturam, quae in nulla re, ne minima quidem esset praevaricatura, nullam gratiam perditura, nihil eorum quae a se accepisset sibi appropriatura. In cuius anima gratiarum Largitor, Spiritus Sanctus, a primo existendi momento inhabitavit, quam absolutam prorsus possessionem cepit, penetravitque adeo ut nomine Sponsae Spiritus Sancti solummodo remota, tenuis, impercfecta etsi vera veniat huius coniunctionis adumbratio. 

Nec permisit, et Eam macula originalis peccati inquinaret. Et facta est sine labe concepta, Immaculate Concepta. Lapurdi Immaculata Virgo Sanctae Bernadettae saepius interroganti, quae esset "Immaculata Conceptio ego sum" respondet. Quibus claris verbis exprimit, se esse non solum Immaculate Conceptam, sed immo Ipsam Immaculatam Conceptionem, sicuti aliud est res alba et aliud sola eius albitudo, aliud res perfecta et aliud eiusdem perfectio. Dicendo de Se sic Deus affatus est Moysen: "Ego sum, qui sum" [Gen 3,14] i.e. ad essentiam meam pertinet, ut natura mea semper sim a me: absque principio. Immaculata tamen Virgo originem Suam habet a Deo, est creatura, est conceptio, attamen Conceptio Immaculata. 
Quam profunda mysteria latent his verbis.

Et sicut omnia in ordine naturali ac supernaturali a Patre per Filium Spiritumque in creaturas descendunt, ita similiter et creaturae omnes per Spiritum Filiumque ad Patrem ascendunt.

Attamen perfectissima creaturarum Immaculata Virgo super omnem creaturam elevatur, et ineffabili modo est Divina. Filius enim dei descendit a Patre per Spiritum et inhabitavit Eam incarnatusque est in Ea et facta est Mater Dei, Mater Dei-Hominis, Mater Lesu. Ex quo momento omnis gratia a Patre per Filium incarnatum Iesum atque Spiritum in Immaculata habitantem - per Immaculatam dispensatur. Et quodlibet signum amoris creaturarum non nisi per Immaculatam expurgatum, ab imperfectionibus elevatumque a Iesu ad valorem infinitum ideoque majestate Patris Coelestis dignum, ante faciem Dei prodit. Unio inter Spiritum Sanctum et Immaculatam Virginem tam arcta est, ut Spiritus Sanctus animam Immaculatae penetrando non influat in animas nisi Ea mediante. Unde Mediatrix omnium gratiarum, unde et vera Mater omnis gratiae Divinae facta est. Unde Regina Angelorum Sanctorumque, Auxilium Christianorum et Refugium peccatorum.  

Proh, quam parum adhuc nota est Immaculata Virgo! Quandonam animae hominum Eius Corde Divinum Cor Iesu et Hoc mediante Patrem Coelestem diligent?

Sanctus Maximilianus Maria Kolbe

Friday, May 6, 2011

Where Can I Get An Trenchcoat Like Edge's?

chwalipieństwo Warning!

first Prize (podwójna!) for the review month, the portal "Reading reporter: Evidence

second Column in the "Library School:
Proof >> HERE

Well, we can start the weekend:):):)