Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pharmaceutical Calculations Stocklosa

: The Chaplet of St. Maximilian Kolbe

Chaplet St. Maximilian Kolbe, consisting of 15 grains and medallion depicting St. Maximilian Kolbe intends to implore the powerful intercession of the Martyrs of Love, which Pope John Paul II proclaimed "patron of our difficult times" and "Prophet of civilization of love. "Sam St. Maximilian claimed that those who are in heaven, freed from worldly cares and responsibilities, can work "both hands" for the special needs of those who call them to receive their support.

Please also take this molditwą now that the last year and is approaching Kolbiański 70th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Maximilian.

Prayer begins sign of the cross.

The first grain say a prayer St. Bernard . This prayer reminds of filial love and boundless confidence that St. Maximilian was the Immaculate Conception.

Then on the next 14 beads (they symbolize the death of St. Maximilian, which took place August 14) refuse aspiration of the Immaculate .

After each act of adding ezwanie to St. Maximilian .

Finally, it is said final prayer.

Prayer of St.. Bernard: Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never in the world has heard,
you left that anyone who fled to your protection, your help calls, asking you about the reason.
Inspired with this confidence, for you, O Virgin of virgins and Mother, I'm running, you come, before thee I stand sinful. O Mother of the Word, despise not my words,
but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen. (1 time )

aspiration to the Immaculate O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you and for all who come to you do not run away, and especially for the enemies of the Church, and registered letters to you. ( 14 times )

Call to St. Maximilian: Saint . Maximilian Kolbe - pray for us! ( after each Act soaring )

Molditwa Winner: God, who gave the Church and the world St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr, pałającego love for the Virgin of the Immaculate, completely dedicated to apostolic mission and the heroic service of our neighbor, through his intercession grant us the glory of thy name, commit themselves totally to the benefit of mankind, we follow the life and death of Christ, the Son thy. Amen.

Ora pro nobis


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