Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is Digital Copy Of Twilight Available

MI would: Measures (Part III)

"Omnia secundum possibilitatem legitime media in diversitate status conditionis, occasionis: Quae zelo et prudentiae uniuscuiusque commendantur" ( Lat. All, fair measures allowed by the state, conditions and circumstances, which recommended to the zeal and prudence of each ) ... and many ways of doing things.

two broad categories, however, how the work can be distinguished: individual (single) and social (joint). In individual work, each unit can do a lot of talent according to her from God, and love thirsty and trusting in prayer, but always reach such cases in which the same will not be able to cope, just as in prayer. Jesus himself has said: "Where there are two or three in my name there and I am with them" (Matt. 18:20). more effectively so you can pray and work together an .

nature and social relationships in this regard must vary according to changes in "status, and occasionis conditionis." Common to all is a tendency to only the most perfect and the easiest to achieve the objective, ie, in our case, salvation and sanctification as high as possible as many souls .

All the measures - as already mentioned - that individual only, or also social, must be used according obedience, the only certain criterion of God's Will and consistently immaculate for this earth. Commendantur zelo et prudentiae ( Lat. Recommended to the zeal and prudence ) - is to be understood without any obligations under sin - but that the next world, each according to what he did receive a reward.

only based on the unshakeable rock can be unmoved as God, he assured the Immaculate His will, and even today, and obedience to us and said that tomorrow, today and tomorrow so we do not, but we will never say that we were wrong before doing otherwise, before it was good, as we did, and now is good, just as God is unchangeable, but still makes a shower of rain tomorrow.


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