Friday, April 22, 2011

Lnb Free Channelfrequency India

Today Good Friday. Day's passion and death of our Lord. Day of silence, of meditation and reflection. So unite with the suffering Savior. Maybe this help below "Clock of the Passion."

starts with an evening

At. 17 - The Lord Jesus bids farewell to the Blessed Mother with her and went to the Upper Room.
At. 18 - Jesus washes the apostles feet. At
. 19 - The Lord Jesus lays down the Blessed Sacrament. At
. 20 - Jesus prays in Gethsemane. At
. 21 - The Lord Jesus sad unto death, sweating bloody sweat. At
. 22 - The Lord Jesus is betrayed by Judas with a kiss. At
. 23 - The Lord Jesus is captured and bound. At
. 24 - Jesus was led to Annas. At
. 1 - The Lord Jesus by Caiaphas placed where it was given to his cheek. At
. 2 - The Lord Jesus was bound, beaten and naigrywany. At
. 3 - Peter three times denies the Lord Jesus and by the rest of the Apostles is abandoned.

the morning

At. 4 - Jesus is brought before the Council and the more guilty of the death announced. At
. 5 - Jesus led to Pilate, and falsely accused. At
. 6 - Jesus to Herod przyprowadzony white coat and reviled. At
. 7 - The Lord Jesus was led away to Pilate and Barabbas robber on his boss.


At. 8 - The Lord Jesus is cruelly scourged at the column. At
. 9 - Jesus crowned with thorns, and the people depicted. At
. 10 - Jesus is condemned to death. At
. 11 - Jesus carries his cross to the top of Calvary. At
. 12 - Jesus is stripped of his stripped and crucified between two thieves.


At. 13 - Jesus prays for crossing it. At
. 14 - Jesus promises paradise żałującemu thief. At
. 15 - Jesus dies on the cross. At
. 16 - Lord Jesus spear pierced the side. At
. 17 - Jesus is taken down from the cross and the tomb complex.

cruel Meko Jesus my Lord, Deep Wounds and Blood Trinity, so abundantly shed for me, be henceforth my only consolation and hope and sweetness of my life. O Jesus my bitter death, provide me eternal salvation!

One hour of discussion My Passion is no greater merit than the whole year of beating up to the blood, My painful wounds of meditation is for you with great benefit, and gives me great joy. (Jesus to St.. Faustina, Coll. 369)


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