Monday, April 11, 2011

How Does Ringworm Look As Its Healing

Parable of persistence

"would you eat stone" Wojciech Tochman

Tochman book, "How would you eat stone" a story that begins when the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been completed. This invitation is a country devastated by war. This is a picture of people whom the war marked the. Forever-death and, worse, memory.

Apparently everything that happened during the Holocaust was never repeated. Apparently, a man learns by experience, not duplicate the error (especially so tragic!). Tochman writes in the context of the war in Bosnia: "The camps, barracks, selections, ghetto, hiding, concealing the persecuted, the bands on the sleeves, piles of shoes to lost, starvation, looting, knock on the door the night before the disappearance of houses, blood on the walls , burning houses, burning barns with the people inside, pacification of the countryside, the siege of the city, human shields, rape of women, the enemy, the killing of intellectuals in the first place, Columns homeless, mass executions, mass graves, the international tribunal, missing without a trace. " Frightening and mechanism of repetitive crimes. Contemporary genocide that took place right next to us, under the watchful eye of cameras and UN troops. "Civilized" Europe. Contrary to logic, common sense. Against all odds.

Tochman book heroes are mainly women (extermination concerned mainly men). Having lost sons, husbands, fathers, cousins \u200b\u200b... trying to re-start function (About "life" in this context there can be no). But to do so, as required by Muslim tradition, must find the closest body and bury it. Muslim women, often repeatedly humiliated, raped, downtrodden trying this last gesture to the newly rebuild its identity. Symbol confirming the continuity of culture, restoring the order of reality, but also the boundary stone between the past and future. Bosnian woman full of suffering, are a living symbol of memory, an image of every other one can make a man. Without sztafażu convoluted metaphor - the war is the physical and mental suffering in the conduct of hostilities and after.

Tochman The story is still an important woman - Dr. Eva Klonowski. Anthropologist who tries to help a Bosnian woman find the body the next, searching a number of mass graves and thereby enable the continuation of Muslim women, a rite of passage.

"stone would you eat" is the text speaking not only of Bosnia and Herzegovina but with a certain universal mechanisms of war, the repeatability of certain actions, assumptions. This is a book that shows us the scary long-term effects of military action. Zniczowe buildings, roads seem to be anything significant in human suffering. But that will not see on TV, not read in the newspapers ...

"stone would you eat" is the best text Wojciech Tochman, which I strongly recommend you read.


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