thing about the book by Stefan Chwin "Esther" and the text Wojciech Tochman "Today we draw death"
I consider myself an informed reader. I always try to choose texts according to clearly defined criteria. Knowing that a waste of time bad titles, the book is always "turning in their hands three times" what an opportunity to minimize the possible errors to zero. One of these my personal "key" box, for example, "pairing" a good (ie not recommended by other bloggers, critics) report - regarded as fiction. Indeed, the resulting dissonance is often the literature of the fact perfectly good beds, classic prose. But what you read in "Today we draw death" Tochman? I have no idea. I thought I found a solution - "Esther" Stefan Chwin, but in this case, the text was a Polish writer, "the salt in the wound is not healed." Literature of the two men are two strong, though technically different blows. Knockout.
Undoubtedly the reception the book had an impact report Chwin Tochman. Reading the text because of Gdansk novelist difficult to consider that the Holocaust is a main theme of the novel. Side, and yes. As a way to show the passing away of time as well. But Tochman has marked my imagination. Dominated by the superior, visual prose Chwin. And yet "Esther" a very good book. It can not be accused of anything. The story of how a mysterious, thrillingly beautiful woman enters a quiet family life (perhaps more accurately, giving climate of the novel: families) Celińskich. Since then, the heroes of a peaceful life is dramatically changed. Fascinated by her young boys Alexander and Andrew are ready to sacrifice everything for her. But not only young Celińscy crazy for her. Esther electrifies the entire pre-war Warsaw - equally men and women. The charm and magic of this is accompanied by a young woman who, however, treats Warsaw as the place - waiting, longing for the mysterious N. (as it later turns to Nietzsche's question!) Are a strong temporary. All good things pass away. Esther - both good and demonic disappears from life Celińskich, hastily packing a suitcase. Several years later, Warsaw burn. But the memories - fixing memory - remain. Therefore remember the rustle of her dress for Esther Nowogrodzka 44 ...
Tochman remains. It remains to Rwanda. I do not even know what words to include what has been described in the book " Today we draw death" . Holocaust, The Holocaust - are not enough. Just as there is sufficient after 1945. Semantically limping. Unable to give to what happened in 1994 year in this small African country. Were killed instantly, according to recent estimates, 800 000 people (!). Hutu and Tutsi. Sea of \u200b\u200bblood, the sea of \u200b\u200bhatred. Fratricidal killings, rapes ... Everyone, I repeat everyone should read this workshop, excellent literary book about hiding the demons in people. Compulsory reading for every politician, military, Catholic, white man!
"Sit down. Well, sit down, white boy, not ubrudzisz up. And so are all ubrudzeni. Our blood. (...) They abandoned us. What you want from me, man? Listen to a story that is in me? I wear it except in the stomach. Not digest it so many years. Therefore, still hurts. " [1]
[1] W. Tochman, Today we draw the death , Włowiec 2010, p. 39
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