Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reconsideration Letter For Ust Sample

revisionist reportage. Well a little about Polish readership (or the lack thereof)

"Smile of Pol Pot's" Peter Fröberg idling

write objectively, not embedded in any context (education, political systems, etc..) report, which is versatile and reliable message-unfulfilled dream of every reporter. Write a text abutteth even with the above-mentioned features - already better. Purpose of the more realistic. Nightmare of the journalist - to be caught in a lie, ineptitude accurate assessment of the information - the worst possible option. I invite you to read the "Smile of Pol Pot."

The year is 1975. Authorities in the Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia. Europe is delighted. Leftist environment of Western Europe see this small country embodies all the ideas of equality and freedom. Communism is possible - screaming headlines. Revolution brings the effects of waiting - so believes, thought the whole democratic world. Swedish is also an intellectual environment share the enthusiasm - the brave new state. Without the distortions and errors of the Soviet Union. Everything seems possible. Money left-wing activists of the country Astrid Lindgren flow to the country's Khmer Rouge wide stream. Co tightens up. Within its framework, a group of representatives from Sweden, is visiting the Asian country. Will be delighted. Democratic Kampuchea appears to them as a kind of paradise on earth. After the visit say that it is possible to introduce the idea of \u200b\u200bleft-wing force, as Pol Pot in the country people live well and decently ... 30 years later, Peter Fröberg Idling re-visits Cambodia. I was trying to understand why the hell no one has noticed that in this country kill people en masse and the starvation death is not nothing special!

Revisionism author of the book does not issue a certificate of good Swedish participants in the expedition of 1978. Reveals the mechanism of observation and unquestioning faith in the communist hypocritical staffage Dremland'u. Text Swede is well written reportage. Seemingly unfinished fragments of narrative form a coherent whole, which is arranged in a "real" vision of Cambodia. Cambodian poor and wounded, which is trying to revive not only the ravages of the Khmer Rouge regime, but also the earlier, massive U.S. air raids. And here is worth a stop to recall: "In total, dropped (U.S. Army) in Cambodia 2 756 941 tons of bombs (...) on the ground raids Nixon said bombing for peace (... ). " Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who along with Nixon to make decisions about bombings in 1973 received the Nobel Peace Prize. " [1]

Peter Fröberg idling in a precise, meticulous, and "not pushy" way mercilessly deals with blindness Swedish delegation. The book is a comprehensive study of Swedish hypocrisy and blindness, but also attempts to understand the mechanisms that can change an ordinary man as he was Solath Sar in the likes of Pol Pot's tyranny.

"Smile Pol Pot, "is an important and poignant lyrics, worth reading.


recently much talked about findings from the National Library of the Polish readership. I'll take the floor and me. Or rather, Chris Varga, because it seems that his column, "" Poland Polish champion "with" Large Format "gives partial answer to the question" Why Poles do not read? ". Let me give you a large chunk of text, because it is really great. Therefore:

"Polish Grillującej offensive is increasingly evident, the attack goes on various fronts, newly published research of the National Library show that the outpost was captured again, Poland was defeated Grillująca in dazzling style of Poland's reading. Well, the National Library of research shows that contact with any book was not in the last year 56 percent of Poles. But it is hard to have contact with books, as a man hurls a series between the grill, and even after you left money on bricks on the kindling and tickets the comedy, I begin to finally understand why the dialogues in Polish films down to equivalents sentences, you see a longer statement on the screen would be hard to understand for 56 percent of moviegoers, I understood it, why, despite the fatal sound in Polish films, no distributor has decided to introduction to Polish subtitles Polish films, I'd better not, however, understand the bubbling from the screen rather than sweat out while reading subtitles. Besides the 56 percent nieczytających literally no books is really no such thing, much better is the fact that more than half of Poles not assimilated any text last longer than three pages, including even a newspaper article. As you can see, the tradition holds firmly in his youth learned the catechism, that is the Trinity, the Trinity to cling, three pages of text that is a maximum, which may adopt, it's four pages would have been heresy. No wonder that the filmmakers try to make their comedies transcript also does not exceed the sacred number three, different onomatopeje actors drawn from the paragraph instead of the dialogues have the advantage that they take up less space than sentences with subjects and rulings.

Apparently the Czechs and French are the most secularized nations in Europe. The National Library says that readership in France is 70 percent and 80 percent of the Czech Republic. The case for rethinking the Sunday Mass and the evening barbecue. " [2]


Hmmm ...! It is worth to consider.

[ 1] P. Fröberg idling, smiling Pol Pot, Wołowiec 2010, p. 78-101.


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