Saturday, February 26, 2011

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(not) forgotten Wankowicz reportage and fiction in a few words about the book-Boehm Aleksandra Ziolkowska

Alexander Ziółkowska - Boehm, "On the trail of Wańkowicza after years of"

Wańkowicz Melchior's father and champion of Polish reportage. Anyone, regardless of social position, status of ownership and origin, knew the name of the author, "Plastics." Wankowicz achieved what could be a few - has gained recognition both among readers and critics. His books, transcribed, extracted "from the lady" was a valuable asset, good, readership rarity. I have used the past tense, because it seems that a Wańkowiczu, recent times, the literary (more accurately - reading), the world has forgotten. For many years, writer, disappeared from the shelves of bookstores, from school reading lists. His works were not renewed, the time of settlement after 1989 is also not conducive to the popularity of a reporter. Unclear reasons for returning to Polish in 1958, the ability to issue, in a very high volume, despite an earlier political exile, they created an aura of mystery surrounding the author and suspicion.
But if only the above-mentioned reasons are the cause of "not reading" Wańkowicza today? Anyway, who now remembers. Perhaps the problem lies in the author's writing? Language of the reporter? Topics? Why is it so fascinating character that was lost in the darkness Wankowicz past? Is the author of "Decanters La Fontaine," does not correspond to the modern reader tastes and fascinates today only passion of his prose? Why does not endorse the author's name? What now appears to us that a distinguished writer, whose many values, pays homage to many, but no one reads? In search of answers to these questions how many, of creativity and life Melchior Wańkowicz can help us - readers, exciting and moving book-Boehm Aleksandra Ziolkowska "On the trail of Wańkowicza after years."

"On the trail of Wańkowicza ..." is the text's assistant and friend, reporter. The book presents and explains the "hot spots" in the biography of the writer. So we have chapters on the fate of war writer, family relationships, immigration, the ratio of Polish intellectuals to the author of "Kundlizmu, polemics about the quality of his work. Many of the problems with which every day had to struggle in the book was Wankowicz Zhovkva accurately and comprehensively described. The author with great objectivity is trying to present Wańkowicza not as a legend man, but as a man who also is the weakness, to make mistakes. The book "On the trail of Wańkowicza ..." is not reading, you can not read, although the pre-knowledge of the biography of a reporter. This knowledge is essential in order not to get lost in the intricacies of a very rich life of the author.

The book was also a place for my opinion the most interesting, chapter on the theoretical work Wańkowicza - "King of reportage," which explains the major role the author of "On the trail of Smętka" in the creation of a literary genre which is nonfiction. It was Wankowicz led him to the salons of literary world. Ziółkowska writes:

"Mastery of the word, the ability to create moods fleeting, art paintings, brevity demonstrate abilities of the writer. However, gut tracker fact, the ability to find anywhere where there is something interesting worthy of description, this greed for specific life, to an event, a race against time - it all has to belong to journalism, reportage, in the best sense of the word " [1]

Later in the same chapter the author presents the function of fiction in the work Wankowicz, more broadly across the literature of fact. It is very interesting, it also explains a lot of inconsistencies associated with the work of Kapuscinski. As the author says (let me quote longer, but significant parts):

(...) this reporter differs - according Wańkowicza - from beletrysty that not invent, but "combines" the observed facts and figures. It does this in the name of typicality. Novelist of the original and can not be circumvented, is free to think " [2]

And further says:

" To this day they are actually unexplained problems in the functioning of fiction reportage. (...) In the sixties in the United States was born new jurnalism , which is extremely developed. Representatives of this species, as Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, Philips Roth, Tom Wolfe made a revolution in traditional notions of literary genres. Indeed, these authors have introduced journalism to literature. Material facts have become taken directly from life, the environment, described by various literary techniques. The essence of this genre is relaxed all forms, there is no division in the technique of writing a hearing, an essay, stories, novels, etc. (...).
In Poland, Ryszard Kapuscinski fully recognized this principle and apply to her. " [3]

What is important and moving part of the work the author of" Plastics " but above all Kapuscinski:

"Reports Kisch, for example, are installing truth and fiction, reportage and the Soviet Owieczkin one that emerges from a reportage name presented hundreds of events in the life actually existing people. " [4]

Jakoby confirmation of the fact that a good reporter does not always have to be at the scene, does not need to know the events of the autopsy, the true linear is one of the most cherished books Wańkowicza "Herb of the crater." Poignant images of the occupied Warsaw, the death of her daughter. Wankowicz has mastered.

As a kind of curiosity, in the chapter "King reportage" Wankowicz with a familiar sense of humor presents the characteristics that should have every journalist / reporter. And so to be better in the profession should be characterized by:
- curiosity (also confirmed to Kisch), have called. "Flap absorbent"
- openness to the reality in which we find ourselves
And finally, third:
- and so. "Additional rent" - we can also "after reportersku" look.

Wankowicz gives us the recipe. Specifies clearly the action that leads to mastery of the workshop.

book-Boehm Aleksandra Ziolkowska is an important text, which once again draws our attention to the somewhat forgotten figure Wańkowicza. Fully reflects the unique personality of the reporter, delights unknown amount of information and facts. It may be a contribution to the fascination with nonfiction master form. Because, remember that if you do not know the work of the author of "Battle of Monte Cassino" can not speak about the Polish reportage in general.

At PS the end of September 1939, under fire went swimming Wankowicz Dniester, carrying in the hands of a typewriter. 's championship worthy fascination with everyone!

Ms. Aleksandra Ziolkowska-Boehm wrote me a lovely message in conjunction with peer review.
Why thank you very much:)
sorry for the long absence. It turns out that the work of the librarian's an awful zajmujace job:) catching up with this long, the above text:)

[1] A. Ziółkowska-Bohem, On the trail of Wańkowicza after years , Warsaw 2009, p. 63.
[2] Ibid, s.63.
[3] Ibid, s.65.
[4] Ibid, p. 1966-1967.


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