Reloaded and Power 19! No! Finally finished my last year in high school. I'm almost free. Just high school, and the longest vacation of life standing in front of me open. I would be a great loss not utilize them as creatively. Last days of the Elbe and the freedom I'm a little more active - I write lyrics like crazy on Boardgixie there are new lyrics, I returned to the deferred projects on the shelf of board games and ... revived the project Drobniaków . Well, yes, I went back to the old notebooks and files, verified in their old scribble, carved from these materials what is right in rejecting the sawdust stupidity. To maintain the power of inspiration, I started drawing the first illustrations for the manual PDF of the same system (maybe the opposite approach is to correct, but that drawing supports the spirit and gives me new ideas.) It's not the end of the news - some Tom "Caduceus" Box agreed to use its modified KaduFATE in Drobniakach! The system has been so mechanics - evident, for settingu will need to enter copyright minor modifications, but they are mostly superficial, the races and profession of our small ludków. Well, now according to the ancient promise, a time for questions Power 19, which personally I find it a little pointless, but well, as the mousse is a must;) Well, in the way:
first What's your game? A small
ludku - a look at the surrounding reality with a completely different perspective. Let the ordinary becomes extraordinary, let the little will become great. Drobniaki give the world as we know, but we understand it from a completely different angle. Kettle for a man is only a simple tool. The same kettle for Drobniak a solid tower, an abandoned temple or bath. Needle is a weapon, a torch and a match is its dial button. Full Armor thimbles? Masked Mouse? Komarov handlers? This is just a foretaste of available Drobniakach opportunity to play his character in the world Residency dimensionally incorrect. The game is so discovering a new environment, to play the usual items that are gaining an entirely new characteristics with the change of perspective and perception.
second What do the characters?
discover the world. The residence is niezwierzona by Drobniaków, contains a lot of secrets. From the mystical paradise, the Garden, through the abyss Basement to the roof of the shocking luminosity. Characters can achieve their goals, develop, and visit the largest cities Residence, such as Cabinet and powerful capital of the world - Slightly Pink Lounge. In addition to changing the point of perceiving reality and the radical changes the environment, the characters do not differ much from the presentations of other systems - have their own goals and dreams, work for yourself or in someone's interest, participate in battles, balls and races. They simply live - and their lives and behavior depends only on the players.
third What do the players (including mg, if there is one)?
amuse themselves. This is the main assumption of the system. It will impose "climate" of the game, will not force anyone to play dark and cierpiętniczo will not be pressured heroism, and bombast, nor will it require realism and the perfect representation of the rules governing the world. All this will be dependent on the group, which will be played with Drobniakami - want to be Darkness? The system will allow them to do so, let them starve and fight for life in the huge spaces of carpet, let him constantly fighting against the hordes of black people in the Cellar Raiders let die in attempts to go Mystical Garden. They want heroism? Let them fight with the monstrous Miaurkiem, let will be contacted by The last giant, may defend the capital of the world from monsters basement. Let the players have freedom. The bottom line is that good fun - because RPG is a game and the game - it's fun. Let them direct their characters, the joy of developing owl studs Magicians, wax or cardboard Piromantów Knights. Let MG draws unsurpassed fun in creating the Residence, the expansion of its facilities, the use of household objects in a completely different way.
4th In what manner described world (or lack thereof) reinforces this, what is the game?
Well, this question is about Drobniaków sounds like a question such as "Money, is it not necessary?". The world is in the case of this system the most important. He creates a new view of reality, he gives the game a new dimension of drama. The game, as already mentioned, is about understanding the environment in a whole new way. The world that is what you - touring next meeting rooms and Residency players take on the endless carpet, visit the palace clock Stranded, I'll look into huge steelworks Fireplace or zawitają to a huge public swimming pool and a luxurious bathtub. This is the whole world is a novelty, is an opening, an invitation addressed to the players to explore the extraordinary ordinary.
5th How to create characters reinforces this, what is the game?
Character Creation based on the mechanics of KaduFATE gives players great freedom in the generation of hero, in which they want to incorporate. All this is sprinkled with some additions, as the selection of one of the five races (which will give new aspects and strengths to choose from grczy) and profession (which will give yet another advantage as well as a new set of skills). The same race and professions have been created as a complement conception of the world's residence. In the table of the profession will include among others already mentioned above - mag button panel, piromanta wax, cardboard knight, mouse rider, trainer mosquitoes kurzowiec, słowotwórca or pinezkowy hunter. All these professions are so designed to give players the hands of entirely new tools to play with his character and the world around them.
6th What behaviors / styles of play your game reward (or orders, if necessary)?
game will clearly appreciate any particular style of play, as this would be an ordinary game assessing which model is better and which worse. It will be a reward behavior, using PuFów (FATE points) and will gamemaster. The player who fully exploited the environment, which is "sympathetic" in the new world and their role, who fulfilled an important role in scenarios that simply knows how to play in it, will receive a new footstools which can be used during the game . The system does not provide penalties for niezaznajomienie system and its mechanics - on such matters is the will of the team and GM.
7th How do styles of play / behavior in your game are rewarded or punished?
See above - KafuFATE system gives players the GM as a tool in the form of PuFów that give both sides new opportunities for action within the game. Players will quickly discover the power of PuFów (which for the game are called buttons.)
8th As in your game options are separated by a narration and responsibility?
course, the main narrator is a master of the game, which creates a world of adventure set in the mansion, giving its players the choice of his course of action. However, thanks to Guzikom (PuFom) players also have the opportunity to create scenes. There the principle of controlled luck, which gives players the opportunity to guide the narrative negative effect on any test or decision of another player, so that she still negative, but perhaps not as severe an effect. Players are therefore somewhat free to interfere with the story snutą by the Master of the Game.
9th What does your game to attract the attention of players, their participation and involvement (eg, What does your game to be took over)?
Well, I think it's one of the worst questions Power 19, as the interest of players is dependent on the talents and skills Master of the Game. Even the best game will not be able to offer their players the possibility, if the GM will be unfamiliar to the subject without the little man of narratorskiego talent - and it also works the other way around, even in theory, bad clutch system can show the conductor's baton smooth gameplay. However, if you talk about the game atraktorach, Drobniaki offer gamers a completely new characters - I do not know because the system (although he admits, do not know them enough to style an expert in the field) in which players have the opportunity to put on cardboard in his inch-high body, and a faithful pin in charge of a monstrous god of the rat channel.
10th How is a settlement / engineer in your game?
The whole game is based on the groundbreaking FATE mechanics, as modified by Caduceus KaduFATE variant. All tests are carried out very quickly and intuitively, kulanie cubes do not interrupt the continuity of the game, does not slow down the session. Classical tests opposing, checking the level of their skills and narrative approach to give players the ladders and MG and dynamic mechanics of light which goes perfectly with the world Drobniaków. Players and GM get so tool full driving gameplay in a way geared to the freedom of choice and descriptive of that.
11th How to resolve assisted, then what is the game?
the neuter. Answer evil? Well, not every question the answer is simple and positive. Mechanics of Drobniaków was selected rather based on the principle of "simplicity and speed" of its functioning. KaduFATE is just such a mechanics, which makes it easy and clear way to help players and GM in describing the reality surrounding them. Great to have passed the test of wax Piromanty give him the opportunity to create a fiery wall or burning a large part of the carpet. The same piromanta knowing a good test of will receive only a small bolt of fire or burning hands. Mechanics is so smoothly and quickly show the players what they can achieve, what to produce and what do.
12th Is your game characters evolve? If so, how?
even in the canonical way, namely by means of which they receive experience points along the end of each session. These points may seem on the expansion of its aspects, to increase their skills, develop their hero. In a word, without any innovation in this aspect of the system. In addition to keys, a special system designed so the players and GM, which helps determine what should be rewarded for the character. Take, for example, our wax Piromantę - His key experience is "Warm Bastard" - he receives PDki for meeting the same key. Each time the daring move, are invariably committed by a form of meanness should be recognized and rewarded by the GM. What does it do? To determine the role of the hero - or sometimes miewaliście such situations, particularly difficult when the great mystery solved and blunt bully? Should I reward him for it, since a real chance to solve the riddle of this figure was negligible? With the keys in the experience each player knows what the focus should be, what role has to play the character. Of course, the key players themselves choose the experience, they are not imposed by anyone.
13th How does character development (or lack thereof) supports this, what is the game?
Nasty question. Character development opens up new opportunities for players in its conduct. It gives a new range of skills and abilities that characters can explore more places the world may be "more together than they were before." But so is every more popular roleplaying game. Yes, and do not stand out Drobniacy nothing at all in this aspect of the game.
14th What is the effect you want to evoke in his game players?
curiosity and amusement. I would like to discover new uses for the world around them. I would like to derive the greatest joy to play its tiny form, your hero. Manual and the world will be constructed in such a way as to try to achieve just such emotions in the players
15th What elements of the game towje been thoroughly described. Why? Naturally
accurately described Drobniaków element is the world, for it is he is to meet the most important roles of the system, showing the players the whole spectrum of new possibilities for action, giving them the hands of the possibility of exploring the mansion, and meetings with many of the same niesamowitościami world. In addition to the world exactly as described was also magic, which - because of the world - is quite unusual, giving magikom ludków small power to use split-carpet, with wax or with dust. These two components are described as accurately as possible (with the exception created by the caduceus on the basis of Fate KaduFATE mechanics).
16th What elements of your game you most excited / interested in? Why?
party system is the most interesting for me to approach to the characters and the world. The possibility of incorporation into the local hero dwucalowego ludku and explore the well-known, but the difference in the world but it seems to me very exciting. Each of us has such an ordinary cabinet with spices. In such a world Drobniaków cabinet may prove to be extremely busy, for example, its market spices, vibrant life and cries of hawkers. Desk ceases to be a desk, it becomes a huge household, for many families, and Bath is a great urban public bath. All this illustrates the accompanying hasełko system: Let the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
17th What's your game gives the players, what other games on offer, they can not or do not want to give?
This is another question that caused me a problem. In fact, every game is able to give players absolutely everything. In WFRP GM could shrink the players and put them in a big mansion to get entangled in their learning. Of course, the worse that he was would have to explain where in the palace took five living civilizations that have inch humanoids and use of helmets as a thimble ...
18th Do you want to publish your game and how? I
. In the normal way. But I value in myself that I am a realist, and therefore likely to be issued in the form of PDF Ebook.
19th What is your target reader?
target reader is a role-playing, each player who is looking for something new, something a little bit of fresh, which will give him a chance to see a new world, the incarnation of the atypical form. In short, every one of you is a potential reader of the same system.
Well, and an end. Power 19 is not nothing but wishful thinking spisanymi author, and so should be treated. I will not write any Guruizmów, assertions that my system will najlepsiejszy of everything you've seen. I wrote exactly what I hope to put in the system:) What will come of all this? Jeno Time will tell!