Monday, May 7, 2007

Play Funbrain On A Wii

Little Darkness!

" K urdet drobniakiem was not well liked. He was astonished him. Others not so much because he liked to make mischief Kurdet as widely considered to be unrefined. He stole things just to annoy someone. Scare people at night, do not giving citizens of the village to sleep properly (in many things, but people liked the salon Podkredensia long dream in which you do not have to worry about the coming morning.) therefore, when the young Kurdet started playing a village on the nerves in a more blunt, a village council sentenced him to banishment (which was the penalty in terms of fairly formal, as he left the village, anyone who could and had a brain). Kurdet however, was the village all his inch being, the punishment was so much more painful for him. Unfortunately, Podkredensie was already closed for him. So went on the road to the great capital of the world, famed in song (and powiedzonkach like: "Oh bloody hell, never there, his feet did not place) Slightly Pink Drawing Room. And in fact, went on quite a random direction, since the concept of the world have exactly the same, the idea of \u200b\u200bcooking is the average stone. Days passed restless wanderings - Kurdet began to worry. He was accustomed to. Many times, the worried when someone pulled him by the ear, around the corner and wyklinał loud. He did not know where it is. Although it is not. It's very positive term. Kurdet knows where it is located, and he's not like it. Soft carpet ended a few miles earlier, has long trod the hard, full of big wood splinters. Swallowed. He had heard about this place. Everyone has heard of. And he was too terrified to turn around - he was afraid of what he saw when he reverses. And finally stood at the Threshold. Threshold for the Cellar Door. Forbidden, black territory Gnarplów, hating all light and life drobniakó darkness, led by the dark lord Shurona, which in turn zerdzewiałej tower control of his own dominion. There was dead silence. Kurdet immediately hated the term. The word "dead" extremely displeased him. He did not know what to do, but fortunately not an issue, because someone knew it for him. When he heard a quiet hiss, he turned his head instinctively. I looked. Big, hairy, ośmionożny object returned the look, but he had the advantage in the eyes. Within a short time all the problems disappeared Kurdeta. Unfortunately, I Kurdet could not enjoy that fact ... "

Drobniaków Estate is an idyllic place. When the Giants have gone, many around the world plunged in the shadows, dust and butwiało zarastało, gaining a new, bad life. I want you dear readers, now briefly bring the evil lurking in the Residence. And believe me, this is a completely evil - many Drobniaków can be bad. But it's so people have a right to errors of various breaches of conduct and morality. But the creatures are on the list, devoured morality, devoured her and left in the litter ...

Miaurk - absolute enemy of all small nations. Powerful, even a giant beast with a long fur coat, moving on four strong legs, which - some magical expense - does not seem the slightest sound during gait of the beast, making it even more demonic. The oldest and wisest representatives of small ludku, do not know where did this monster, and why is so down on everything that lives. Any self-respecting city has a huge assortment of defensive, designed to repel attacks Miaurka. And the beast itself is in itself a truly demonic powers. It is incredibly fast, for its size. It is at the same time extremely strong. Some warped power endowed Miaurka powerful claws and fangs mocarnymi which helpless victims torn to bloody shreds. From time to time makes a scary growl, or extremely loud mew. Nothing on it does not work. No weapon is not able to finally kill the beast. We know only that it is afraid of fire ... And that's all you we are confident about this monster.

Shuron and Trantull - Shuron. This is awesome name in the hearts of drobniaków. Peremptory ruler of the shadows. Legat darkness. King Gnarpli. Dictator Cellar. He who hates everything that is bright and vivid. Gnarplowie, deformed by years of life in the depths of rusty and dusty basement, they want power over the entire residence. Conquered the big rats. TRAIN spiders. Carry out major assaults on the city's residence. I have never achieved a lasting victory, since all nations drobniacze links together, forgetting for a time of trauma to make inroads Gnarpli hordes from their degenerate ruler without a face, which is encased forever in a rusty armor, riding the sower Trantulli terror, the biggest spider plugawiącego residence. Is greater than the rats. There are hairy, and its chitin armor protects it from any attack. Her jaw armed with powerful szczękoczułki offended anyone inadvertently come close to attack range. A powerful venom dissolves the victim guts. Trantulla however, is not free - it Shuron subservient to his will, incitement of hatred and hunger.

Rover - no one know who or what it is. It appears in the wilderness, traveling from room to room when it is time of darkness. No one has ever seen his face. Nor any of its form, not in detail anyway. In the darkness you can see the silhouette, with three bright shining eyes, holding a bright beacon, which bears the sadly behind. However, it wraps the graphite aura of great melancholy. We only know that everyone who sees him, dies in a remarkably short time, and very unpleasant way. Superstitious people call it the Advocate's residence hall. Death. Small Collector of Souls. I never gave of themselves sound. No one not seized. Nobody came close to him. Just saw it ... as he wandered aimlessly in the world, looking for something that could not find. Whoever guesses the mystery of Rover? Is it really a supporter of evil?

is enough for today. In the next section, that is - hopefully - tomorrow or after tomorrow, the next note in the "glance", and it produced by Darkstorm Dywaniarza profession.


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