Friday, May 11, 2007

Autocad 2004 Generator

glance: Dywaniarz

wrzutkę Well, another of the species, "which will appear in a textbook." This time it's a work Darkstorm , namely Dywaniarza profession, because the appropriate correction, and have written, the idea of \u200b\u200ba perfect match for the world's residence. Why are there delays in issuing further notes? Hence, I do not want to let the notes without the illustrations, and to create an illustration, I have a scanner, and to have a scanner, I have access to a computer with a scanner, and to have access, the father must do something other than mounting on the same computer, movies ... you can see, the task is not easy. Coming back to the Drobniaków - first primo: Give free rein to your creativity! Do you have any idea, concept, profession, whatever you find the perfect match in the world Drobniaków, podeślijcie me on the same website or email ( ). Second primo: As promised, inevitably will arrive here a description Powrotyzmu, the most important belief of Small Ludków. And now, with no extension, I invite you to inspect Dywaniarza.


electrical & M linny got lost. It was not the first time, in all the land he had an opinion bully and eternal wanderer who wants to climb up on everything that grows from the floor. Now, however, got lost very seriously and regret. This dense, impenetrable carpet was overwhelmingly huge, haunted, and for that smelled like old lady Gamig. They said they were killed there are many small ludków who are now circulating in the maze as ghosts and haunt travelers. They said that Drobniak which is misplaced here, lose your senses. They said also that the scattering crumbs can bring happiness, and not only a waste of good food . Yes that's the case, when the mind takes a simple Drobniak for construction of rural applications. Small linny looked on the sides. On either side stretched the equal rows of red, and straight before him, black hair. This was not one of those fangled, extremely short-carpet, which only reached to the ankles, sometimes to the knees. It was a real old-fashioned carpet, full of experience in such disciplines as "lying pretty flat," or "being resistant to any cleaning." This dywam was higher than the bristles of each Drobniak. He was thick as ... as a thicket just. Linny took a few steps to the right.
- Oz! - Howled loudly carpet beneath it.
linny jumped back. Bulge stirred, zafalowało and turned into Drobniak painted from head to mouth in red and black stripes. It was pretty bad.
- You damn little bastard. - A former carpet drawled through his teeth. - Look at my hand! My fingers! Small
linny lowered his head. He was about to apologize, but suddenly it hit some remains elevated honor.
- It's not my fault that you paint in the carpet and hidden in the earth. This is not normal.
- It was a camouflage! Lurk here for a few days! - Small linny nodded of contrariness.
- My uncle too, so he had. Disguised himself as a piece of cheese, and said that in this way destroys Miaurka from the inside.
- Shut up! - Dywaniarza voice was getting more desperate.
- namawialiśmy warned him and that was, and he said only "Yes, yes" and "Do not be afraid, everything will be fine," and the next day found his hat in one of the mouse holes.
- Stop! - Dywaniarz grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the dark path. - I will bring you out of here. - He added.
- Akurat! "Disguises harm only to themselves" - so says my grandfather, and he is older than you!
- only worsens their situation! - The same voice on the border has already maneuvered crying. Dywaniarz quickened his pace. After a while they disappeared in the thicket of wool.
- I'm warning you! - Squeaked someone in the distance.

need a guide on a trip to the Salon? Not to be missed, but do not want to spend the rest of life smelling cleaning products? No problem! Dywaniarze are specialists in travel on any types of carpets, which densely cover the floor Residence. Drobniacy you are indispensable when you need to beat a carpet, track down a fugitive there, or find food. For them, there is a problem fixed on the bending of hair on where someone ran a few hours ago, or where best to find some nutritious crumbs. Dywaniarze divided into two types - free mercenaries, who, for a price will lead the adventurous hikers (or nieżądnych adventurous merchants, who travel because they must) for your domain and dywaniarzy-guards, who hunt the bandits, where it can not ordinary policemen. It is said that everyone knows the oldest dywaniarze carpet inside and out. Maybe a little exaggerated rumor, but the experienced artists of this profession is really a pleasure familiar with most of the carpets in the Residence being incredibly useful for travel companions. Should not be underestimated and their talents battle - Dywaniarze traveling alone, and not once have to stand eye to eye with the enemy, who wants their blood (perhaps, however, they would rather eat ...).

following aspects, skills and one of the two Point of interest add to their character sheets.

knowledge of carpets []

Skills: Camouflage
2 (Fair)
Track 2 (Fair)


In Carpet Hiding -
dywaniarze translate some of the art of camouflage and stealth over combat skills. Most of them are perfectly mastered the techniques of Disguise - Quickly draw the appropriate dyes, are familiar with every carpet color systems, they can not make the smallest hours of movement, breathing shallowly at the same time. Able to make specific masking odor. Mask is perfect - but only for carpets. When Drobniak this singularity is on the carpet, his ability to camouflage is increased by two levels.

Silent Hunter - art of camouflage is not only drobniakom into hiding. Dywaniarze know how to approach their victims in such a way be silent until the "Argh!" to remain unnoticed. Tread softly, do not seem any sound, blend in the surroundings are moving in darkness. Had it not been that operate in the field and on behalf of (or on behalf drobniaków who have enough money to be able to call it a law), it could be called their skrytobójcami. When this peculiarity Dywaniarz attack someone by surprise, receives gratisowego button.


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