The 10 most common symptoms of Alzheimer
1. Memory loss:
A person with Alzheimer's forget things more often than a healthy person, but can not remember them later, particularly of events latest.
2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks:
The Alzheimer's patient may be unable to prepare any part a meal or forget they ate it.
3. Problems with language:
A person with Alzheimer's may forget simple words or substitute inappropriate words, making her sentences difficult to understand.
4. Loss of sense of time and disorientation:
A person with Alzheimer's disease can become lost on their own street, not knowing how they got there or how to get home.
5. Poor or decreased Discernment:
An Alzheimer's patient may not recognize an infection as a problem and not even go to the doctor or they dress inappropriately, wearing heavy clothing on a hot day Summer
6. Problems related to abstract thinking:
For an Alzheimer's patient can be difficult to understand what a birthday.
7. Misplacing things:
An Alzheimer's patient can put an iron in the freezer or a wristwatch in the sugar bowl.
8. Changes in mood or behavior:
Someone with Alzheimer's disease can exhibit rapid mood changes without any reason for such failure.
9. Changes in personality:
One patient Alzheimer's personality can change completely, becoming extremely confused, suspicious or withdrawn. Changes may also include apathy, fearfulness or acting inappropriately.
10. Loss of initiative:
An Alzheimer's patient may become very passive and require cues and prompting to become involved, not able to do independently.
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