Friday, July 27, 2007

Big Mucus From Period

Noteczka: Why are we doing?

Today something completely different, namely noteczka "dizajnerska. The last entry, as can be seen, is on 19 May, more than two months ago - stop work on Drobniakami resulted from simple things. I had no time - hunt final award, visit the larger cities in search of study, and when they have found, search for an apartment. There is little, oh no. The more that still do the HCR time ... straight to the punch line: No, the project Drobniaki not go on the shelf, and now that I have a bit of time, time to return to its active functioning. Today, however, instead of another product straight from the textbook, a little loose on the digressions, which recently scroll in the underworld of the creators of copyright RPG, and which was initiated by an article in Essence - Once every person plays in creating their own system for feature film? Subject przewałkowany was already somewhat in practice, I agree the polemic magnet. But the whole discussion made me ask the above questions ...

Well for what? Role-playing games in the world there are hundreds if not thousands - enough to search a little to find this desired system - and that you have to download the manual from abroad? No problem, even for a student (wait a bit, a little uciułać ...). You can try here to moan that the systems in Poland is not much that is syfnia and bida of poverty - even if we consider that argument as true, this claim that people should get creative przekuwać to support any of the systems that were already is terribly ... captivating. Someone wants me to direct the advance, he wants to force me to do something they do not want to. Problem Cybowskiego Milosz - Polish author of the lyrics criticizing the author - is that he condemns the way in which their creativity to meet the creator of role-playing games copyright. This is a very ugly way of thinking - it's like abstract painter brushes break, and tell him that, still lifes, or smears, or not painted at all. Mr Cybowski why answers you give us the possibility of implementing their creativity in the way we want to pursue?

Another curiosity is the contemptuous expression on "systems that appear to work on them last month, and then disappear into the depths of the" . Again, I am unable to understand the contempt in respect of such action - after all, how it works! If anyone believes the creation of the authors for their hobby, then let them create up to 100 unfinished projects, never for an hour! In keeping with the comparisons, "artistic" - even the greatest painters, will be considered before creating the final work, perform Hundreds of sketches and przymiarek. By doing so, a person gains experience in the topic, new skills and knowledge. Sam I had several systems that pompously announced, which landed in the basket. But each of them leave me a whole new experience - I learned what I was doing well and what is wrong. Nobody is born perfect, everything takes practice - the creation of the author's role-playing games. And unfortunately, nobody is organizing evening classes ...

"write the setting, who himself uses it." is another interesting phrase in the text of Mr. Cybowskiego. And once again failed to I can understand it. The text implies that this is a bad thing. So if your child will do the same toy, it would be bad behavior? Necessarily get a toy made somewhere in China? Can I have it understood as an urge to play with in a "centrally planned"? I can only play in what has already been issued? The vast majority of authors are written for a specific group of players - you can create a system that would be "relatively perfect." And if someone shows his little book on the web, why not? Has the right to boast about your work, and the knife still someone will like it. The mentality of Polish player ... in my opinion, this is the mentality of the truly great, liberated. Polish player is a player who actively creates his own hobbies, your entertainment, and not just sip the finished products. Polish player wants to create, and nobody should be prevented from doing so.

(The illustration shows ... well, it's time for a little konkursik;) The illustration shows a very unusual species of creatures from the world of the Residence - a person who knows what kind of creatures ... or at least fall on the right track, get a real prize!)