Saturday, October 7, 2006

Diet Coke Fade Hair Dye

" iele The legends and myths. There are many stories and sagas in Xsiędze Wyedzy. And all are true. The legend of the brave Skurmbie who samojeden reached the top of the kettle, boiling lake which is inhabited by monstrous Kamieniaków. Saga Ferlumpach traveling up to the vast gardens along the way encountering the last of the Giant People. Or maybe the myth about the creation of the Five Nations? "Yes, all these applications are extremely important. But there is a legend, the shortest - but most important. Prapodanie telling about the creation of the Residency, all small ludków world. In the beginning was Only Green Immensity, and the immensity that came Great People - The giants of incredible powers, who have created great as they themselves objects, like a mighty gods. Those great men - and for those of ancient times were dozens, nay, hundreds, even - they decided to create a new world, filling the immensity their wonderful products. Centuries passed, until the work of the Giants was completed. Established Residences, amazing world, consisting of many lands, such as Kitchen, Bathroom and Cabinet - and for many, many eons they lived there, Great People. And then, as if she wanted to fill the residence itself to its new space life, our ancestors stood up - Pumplinkowie who hid in the darkest corners of the house, in fear of a great people. But the Giants have gone, and the residence has become an empty world, waiting for the re-colonization of the new breed. Great part of the decrease in numbers Pumplinów already embarked on a journey through the entire mansion, inhabiting this huge, distant lands, or Kitchen Cabinet. But a small group was in the dark shadows of the basement. Centuries passed, when the original settlements grew Pumplińskich separate breed Residence - living Ferplunkowie Cabinet, wielding Pulpanowie Kitchen, Skulk dwelling in bake Awpalowie settled in stark Cupboard and Dummowie who colonized the vast country Bookcases. But the original Pumplinowie who lived Cellar also not wasting time - hidden from the eyes of the new nation, kosnumowani the eternal darkness, turned in terrible Gnarplów who dream of conquering the whole house. Thus is our world, our residence and its peoples' - Wyelka Xsięga ver. 2-67 Chap. I

J ak you probably know (or not ...), I play some time in the creation of board games. This interaction is more or less, but still leaves - I mean, I manage to achieve a final product that is ready for consumption. Oh, the idea falls into the bulb, pouring it on the noble font, graphics and adds some Floo! ready. The copyright system was similar - also had a mass of ideas, too many times I wrote the author ... but unfortunately (or fortunately ...), and none finished. Thanks Blogowi Beacon learned why - all of that when I created the system, created a huge, 300-page monsters that were not completed samojeden forces. Even my most "Developed Works" does not exceed 120 pages written. I then I thought - if I manage to write without much of a problem is a hundred pages of A4, then why not create an author who would fall in the 1970-1980 A4 pages? Hosanna, had a revelation and started to re-create the author - and this is a blog where I answer all questions connected with the author, and inform you (heh, you, you know ...) on the progress of work on Drobniakami ... but what are Drobniaki?

Drobniaki is an original RPG system inspired by the work of "carpet" by Terry Pratchett and "Free Ciutludzie" tegoś author "- When you have a Cal growth, a small residence is for you all world. In the system, players will take on one of the five races Fine Ludku, travel around the mansion in search of adventure, fight powerful matches or pins, buttons are mages or priests Powrotyzmu:) You'll also zawitają to villages, towns and cities of residence, constructed of wood, old boxes and generally all that is in an abandoned house, you can find. Full Armor thimbles? Nail Battle? A trainer may mosquitoes? All this you will find in that systemiku copyright. And too soon, before you answer the questions Power 19, so have no fear, answers will be here. ;)